[CfP] KGCW@ESWC2023: Deadline extended for KGC Workshop & Challenge details

Fourth International Workshop (& Challenge) on Knowledge Graph Construction

(#KGCW2023) in conjunction with ESWC2023 [https://2023.eswc-conferences.org/]


Workshop website: https://w3id.org/kg-construct/workshop/2023

Challenge website: https://w3id.org/kg-construct/workshop/2023/challenge

Workshop date: 28th May 2023

Paper Submission:

  *   Abstracts (optional but recommended): 16th of March 2023

  *   Full papers (extended): 9th of March 2023 23rd of March 2023 (AoE time)

Challenge Submission:

  *   Expression of Interest: 31st of March 2023

  *   Results: 12th-19th of May 2023


KGCW is a full-day workshop on Knowledge Graph construction co-located with the Extended Semantic Web Conference 2023 (ESWC2023)<https://2023.eswc-conferences.org/>. KGCW has a special focus this time on the efficiency of the systems during the construction of knowledge graphs, exploring the trade-offs between different approaches (e.g., planification VS physical operators). Our goal is to provide a venue for scientific discourse, systematic analysis, and rigorous evaluation of languages, techniques, and tools, as well as practical and applied experiences and lessons learned for constructing knowledge graphs from academia and industry. The workshop complements and aligns with the activities of the W3C CG on KG construction<https://www.w3.org/community/kg-construct/>.

The Knowledge Graph Construction Challenge


This year we have prepared a challenge on KG construction<https://w3id.org/kg-construct/workshop/2023/#challenge> to compare and measure the performance of different engines beyond execution time.

Any engine able to transform heterogeneous data into RDF graphs is welcome to submit its results. All information is provided in this link<https://w3id.org/kg-construct/workshop/2023/challenge.html>, and if you have any questions, please join us on Slack<https://join.slack.com/t/kg-construct/shared_invite/zt-1ftm8ebvo-qtu4xC_psKBZrgqF8ZPMtw>.

Topics of interest


  *   Automatization of knowledge graph construction from (semi)structured data:

     *   Semantic data labeling methods into declarative KG construction approaches

     *   (Semi)automated mappings generation

     *   Explainable automated knowledge graph generation

  *   Mapping based Knowledge Graph Construction

     *   Mapping languages for constructing Knowledge Graph from legacy datasets

     *   End-User Interfaces (UI) for (collaborative) editing and visualizing Knowledge Graphs building rules and management platforms in general

  *   Approaches and techniques on

     *   Collaborative mappings generation

     *   Exploiting mappings for query answering

  *   Tools for Knowledge Graph Construction

     *   Architectures for Knowledge Graph construction systems

     *   (Sustainable) workflows for Knowledge Graph construction & publishing

  *   Methods and Techniques for Knowledge Graph Construction

     *   Seamless (distributed) integration/interlinking from heterogeneous data

     *   Dynamic discovery and retrieval of data for KG construction

     *   Quality, Provenance, privacy, and trustworthiness of KG construction

     *   Knowledge Graph construction and publishing of streaming data

     *   Benchmarks for Knowledge Graphs construction and publishing

  *   Lessons learnt, In Use and Experience

     *   Experience, lessons learnt, and best practices for generating and publishing

     *   Negative results and in-use/applied descriptions

Submission guidelines


Share your contribution before the deadline through the OpenReview platform<https://openreview.net/group?id=eswc-conferences.org/ESWC/2023/Workshop/KGCW>. The accepted contributions will be published in the proceedings of the workshop. Each accepted paper needs to be presented by one of the authors at the workshop onsite.

Contributions for the challenge only require to have an abstract submitted through the OpenReview platform<https://openreview.net/group?id=eswc-conferences.org/ESWC/2023/Workshop/KGCW>. The results must be submitted as well, and presented at the workshop. Optionally, a report can be submitted after the workshop and it will appear within the proceedings of the workshop.



  *   Full (12-15 pages) research papers

  *   In Use and Experience papers (12-15 pages)

  *   Short papers (5-8 pages) related to:

     *   Providing solutions for alignments between mapping languages

     *   Providing innovative and reproducible workflows for KG construction

     *   Automatization of KG construction

  *   Demo papers (4-6 pages)

  *   Position and Vision papers (4-6 pages)

  *   Abstracts relevant to the aforementioned topics journal papers (2-4 pages)



Authors can choose the best way to express their work, such as HTML or PDF. However, a CEUR layout<https://ceurws.wordpress.com/2020/03/31/ceurws-publishes-ceurart-paper-style/> has to be provided.

Important dates


Paper Submission: 9th of March 2023 23rd of March 2023 (AoE time)

Acceptance Notification: 17th April 2023

Camera-ready Version: 8th May 2023

Workshop: 28th May 2023

Organising Committee


David Chaves-Fraga, UPM & KULeuven (contact person: david.chaves@upm.es)

Anastasia Dimou, KU Leuven

Umutcan Šimšek, STI Innsbruck

Ana Iglesias-Molina, UPM

Dylan Van Assche, UGent

More news at: https://twitter.com/kgc_workshop

Received on Tuesday, 7 March 2023 16:35:35 UTC