Re: W3C position on URIs http:// vs. https://

I'd be a fan of signaling/defaulting things on in some way
towards https.

Mike Prorock

On Mon, Jun 19, 2023, 05:09 Dan Brickley <> wrote:

> On Thu, 15 Jun 2023 at 00:38, Nathan Rixham <> wrote:
>> I'd argue that if schema's were used and dereferenced often, this would
>> already all be solved many years ago.
> Quite. RDF is in many ways close to something that would in other settings
> be called “schema less”. By having a solid general pattern for data, and
> reassurances about computing with partial information, you can get many
> tasks done without fetching any RDFS. There is still value in *having* a
> design, but the design is used up from rather than consulted at runtime.
> OWL can also be seen from this perspective— as a kind of super fancy
> “javadoc” used to bring some order and discipline to the documentation of
> graph data.
> When using RDF in the wild it almost always needs tidying up, filtering,
> cleaning, normalizing before use in serious applications. Within those
> steps, tidying up a few http: -> https mappings is amongst the most trivial
> of challenges.
> The reason btw serves the same json-ld context with/without TLS
> is that we never wanted our adoption of JSON-LD to accidentally turn the
> site into a piece of critical software infrastructure. It is now totally
> statically served, including that context file. If JSON-LD had a thing we
> could put in there to express a migration intent from http to https so that
> willing modern parsers could be nudged towards https triples, that could be
> worth exploring.
> Cheers,
> Dan
>> more common schema's like rdfs, and the like, would be
>> receiving tens of thousands of requests per second, likely far higher, have
>> mirrors all over the place, methods to consider a document from url a as
>> url b in place, integrity checks, versions, long caches, and all the
>> solutions widely implemented and available for things which are heavily
>> utilized around the web.
>> could you even transclude a foreign http schema, in a browser, from a
>> document elsewhere served over https without it being blocked or a load of
>> console error messages?
>> The elephant in the room here, is that schema's are hardly ever utilized,
>> or deferenced. Yes somebody will be doing it, some of you, but it's
>> certainly not being done at scale at web level. If it was, this wouldn't be
>> a discussion in 2023.

Received on Monday, 19 June 2023 12:40:42 UTC