.well-known URI for RDF dumps (see RCF-5785)

Hi List,

I am looking for a .well-known URI that could point to a RDF-Dump of
the data used to generate a website. The IETF RFC-5785 describes
well-known URIs.

I am generating a web site with JSON-LD in the HTML pages headers and
would like to offer an efficient direct download of the full data for
agents that would want it, instead of making them crawl all the pages
one by one to get the RDF and ignore the HTML.

Would anyone know of such a well-known URI or should I come up with one ?

Nicolas Chauvat

logilab.fr - services en informatique scientifique et gestion de connaissances  

Received on Monday, 16 January 2023 16:26:17 UTC