4 open postions related to OntoPortal Alliance

Dear all, happy 2023!

In this beginning of the year we have several positions some-how related to the work of the OntoPortal Alliance and the OntoPortal technology (https://ontoportal.org/ <https://ontoportal.org/>): 

Montpellier, France
In the context of the EOSC related Horizon Europe FAIR-IMPACT project (https://fair-impact.eu <https://fair-impact.eu/>) INRAE’s MISTEA research unit is hiring a project manager in Open Science, Metadata and Ontologies. Please see the offer here: https://jobs.inrae.fr/en/ot-16522 <https://jobs.inrae.fr/en/ot-16522>

In the context of the AgroPortal project (http://agroportal.lirmm.fr/ <http://agroportal.lirmm.fr/>) INRAE’s MISTEA research unit is hiring a junior full stack developer (application Web, Ruby/Rails).  Please see the offer here: https://jobs.inrae.fr/ot-16744 <https://jobs.inrae.fr/ot-16744> 
In the context of the Data Terra research infrastructure and the EOSC related Horizon Europe FAIR-IMPACT project (https://fair-impact.eu <https://fair-impact.eu/>) CNRS is hiring a developer for the development of a terminology/ontology service for semantic resources. Please contact C. Pierkot (christelle.pierkot@data-terra.org <mailto:christelle.pierkot@data-terra.org>)

Berlin, Germany  
In the context of NFDI, with close cooperation with the Data Analytics Center at Fraunhofer FOKUS. Development of a terminology/ontology service for semantic resources.  Please see the offer here:  https://listserv.acm.org/SCRIPTS/WA-ACMLPX.CGI?A2=MOD-DBWORLD;a98db3d7.2212 <https://listserv.acm.org/SCRIPTS/WA-ACMLPX.CGI?A2=MOD-DBWORLD;a98db3d7.2212>

Best regards

Dr. Clement JONQUET  –  PhD in Informatics
Senior Researcher – INRAE (MISTEA)
Associate Researcher – University of Montpellier (LIRMM)

Coordinator of the AgroPortal and D2KAB projects.
WP lead HEU project FAIR-IMPACT. 
clement.jonquet@inrae.fr <mailto:clement.jonquet@inrae.fr> 
or jonquet@lirmm.fr <mailto:jonquet@lirmm.fr>
http://www.lirmm.fr/~jonquet <http://www.lirmm.fr/~jonquet>
@MISTEA (L,M,M,J): +33/0 4 99 61 22 77
@LIRMM (V): +33/0 4 67 14 97 43

Received on Monday, 9 January 2023 08:31:10 UTC