Identifiers with context

Hi, we are mapping non RDF data to RDF. There are entities that have 
identifying codes, for example 1.1, 1.2, 2.1  and external organization 
(lets name it "org1") is maintaining the codes.

Using predicate dcterms:identifier the most straightforward way would be 
to use literals:

:entity1 dcterms:identifier "1.1" .

However we would like to add context to the identifier, that is where 
identifer codes come from. There are two ways that come into mind:

1) Custom namespace in URI

:entity1 dcterms:identifier <>

2) Dedicated resource:

:entity1 dcterms:identifier [ rdfs:value "1.1"; dc:source "org1" ]

Which one would you prefer? Or is there a third, better way?

I don't want to use the code directly to name the resource:
<> rdfs:label "Some entity"

Received on Thursday, 23 February 2023 14:04:22 UTC