Open positions PhD student/PostDoc, knowledge graphs with uncertainty for circular factory

Join the Analytic Computing group at the University of Stuttgart's Institute for Artificial Intelligence! We’re seeking candidates for two full-time roles within the collaborative research center SFB1754 - Circular Factory ( from April 1, 2024, to December 31, 2027, one as a doctoral researcher/Ph.D. student and one as a postdoctoral researcher (100% TV-L E 13).

Researchers in these positions will be responsible for basic research on advanced knowledge graph technologies that will allow for representing uncertainties and developing a corresponding query language that extends SPARQL. Furthermore, they will steer the development and deployment of ontologies and knowledge graphs underlying the functioning of the future circular factory, which will reduce resource consumption by reusing previously used products.

For further details on the roles and application procedures, kindly visit:

Prof. Dr. Steffen Staab
Cyber Valley Endowed Chair for Analytic Computing
Institute for Artificial Intelligence
Universität Stuttgart

Chair for Web and Computer Science
Web, AI, and Society (WAIS)
Electronics and Computer Science
University of Southampton

Received on Wednesday, 13 December 2023 10:22:21 UTC