Talk moved ( Re: Mayank Kejriwal on Dec.7 in DKG/SWSA talk series (and further upcoming talks) )

Dear all,

Unfortunately, we need to move today's talk. The new date for Mayank's
talk will be January 31, same time (6pm CET / 12pm EST / 9am PT).

Best regards,

On Fri, 2023-11-24 at 09:44 +0000, Olaf Hartig wrote:
> Dear all,
> I am happy to announce the next talk in the online talk series [1] of
> the COST Action on Distributed Knowledge Graphs (DKG) [2], in
> collaboration with the Semantic Web Science Association (SWSA) [3].
> On December 7 at 18:00 CET / 12:00 EST / 1:00 CST, Mayank Kejriwal
> (University of Southern California) will talk about:
>   "Neurosymbolic Approaches for Robust Domain-Specific Semantic
>   Search: Current Progress and Future Opportunities"
> Abstract:
> With the advent of large language models (LLMs), previous state-of-
> the-
> art performance has been exceeded on a number of difficult challenges
> in the AI community, including commonsense reasoning, question
> answering (and other rich forms of information retrieval), text
> summarization, and computational creativity. Knowledge graphs have
> been
> used to address some of these problems before. This talk will address
> the question of whether, and how, knowledge graphs and LLMs can be
> used
> synergistically in an important application in both industry and the
> Semantic Web: domain-specific search. My thesis is that a
> neurosymbolic
> approach can allow us to use the 'best of both worlds' in tackling
> this
> challenging problem in a robust manner. I will discuss current
> progress
> in this area in both my research group, and others, and outline the
> key
> challenges and future opportunities still outstanding in this area. 
> Speaker:
> Mayank Kejriwal is a research assistant professor in the Department
> of
> Industrial & Systems Engineering at the University of Southern
> California (USC), and a principal scientist in the USC Information
> Sciences Institute. Prior to joining USC, he received his PhD in
> computer science from the University of Texas at Austin. His PhD
> thesis
> was awarded the SWSA Dissertation Award in 2017. At USC, he is the
> director of the Artificial Intelligence and Complex Systems group,
> and
> is also affiliated with the Center on Knowledge Graphs and the
> AI4Health initiative. His research has been published in
> international
> venues such as ISWC, ESWC, Semantic Web Journal, Royal Society Open
> Science, and several others. He is the author of four books,
> including
> an MIT Press textbook on knowledge graphs that has been republished
> in
> several languages.
> The talk will be live streamed at our YouTube channel:

> In addition to Mayank's talk, mark your calendars already for the
> following upcoming talks in the talk series.
> * Ilaria Tiddi (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)
> "Explainability with Knowledge Graphs: what have we learnt?"
> January 17 at 18:00 CET / 12:00 EST / 1:00 CST
> * Mark A. Musen (Stanford University)
> "Semantic Technology in Science: Enhancing Data Stewardship in
> Support
> of New Discovery"
> March 4 at 18:00 CET / 12:00 EST / 1:00 CST
> Best regards,
> Olaf
> [1]

> [2]

> [3]

Received on Thursday, 7 December 2023 11:04:04 UTC