[CFP] 2nd Workshop on Group Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization (GMAP) @UMAP 2023

*** Apologies for cross postings ***
2nd Workshop on Group Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization (GMAP@UMAP 2023) co-located with UMAP 2023 (https://www.um.org/umap2023/ <https://www.um.org/umap2023/>), June 26-30, 2023 | Limassol  (Cyprus) 
Web: https://sites.google.com/view/gmap2023 <https://sites.google.com/view/gmap2023/>/
Submission: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=umap23 <https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=umap23> (select track GMAP Workshop)
For any information: f.barile@maastrichtuniversity.nl <mailto:f.barile@maastrichtuniversity.nl> , adelic@etf.unsa.ba <mailto:adelic@etf.unsa.ba>
Although most existing recommender systems support single users, there are many scenarios where these systems target the needs of groups. Factors such as group mood, emotional contagion, and interpersonal relationships are characteristics that are often ill-defined, tend to mutate over time, and are usually missing from the system modeling, even though they play an indispensable part of group modeling. Furthermore, producing timely and accurate recommendations for groups that are explainable, fair, and privacy-protecting is a notoriously difficult challenge since group members may have divergent views and needs.

With the 2nd Workshop on Group Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization (GMAP), we propose a way to bring together a research community focusing on group modeling, adaptation, and personalization. The workshop will explore the challenges and opportunities associated with developing effective methods and tools to support group decision-making. It aims at bringing together researchers from several disciplines, including Psychology, Computer Science, and Organizational Behavior, to discuss their latest research, future directions and ideas on this topic. Furthermore, the workshop will provide opportunities for participants to share their work and experiences, and to collaborate and network with others operating in this field. By bringing together experts from different disciplines and perspectives, the workshop fosters a vibrant and inclusive community committed to advancing our understanding of group modeling, adaptation, and personalization, identifying key challenges and opportunities in this area and developing a shared research agenda that will guide future works in the field.

Topics of interests include but are not limited to:
Group Recommender Systems and Group Modeling.
Going beyond standard aggregation strategies, by incorporating adaptable user and group profiles as the group advances towards their choice. 
How to ensure that each user's recommendation is appropriately taken into consideration when creating group recommendations? 
How to adapt such recommendations to the user's changing preferences, if any? 
What is the best aggregation method for user profiles?

Group decision-making process support.
How can we best help groups to reach their joint decisions, when discussion or several rounds of suggestions are supported by the system?
How to decide the appropriate time and format of the suggestion?

Adaptive team formation systems. 
How to design systems and algorithms that adapt their team formation decisions to the involved users' suggestions?
How to ascertain that workers can efficiently explore the very large space of potential collaborators, and form the work alliances that are optimal for themselves but also for each (creative) task? 
How to develop modeling approaches that afford users personal liberty and flexibility (e.g. in selecting their teammates), while maintaining appropriate collaboration and work conduct standards (e.g. in avoiding workplace discrimination)?

How can the reasoning of a Group Recommender System be made more transparent and interpretable to group members, so that the trust in a system as well as willingness to accept recommendations is increased? 
How to assist online crowd workers to interpret the team formation algorithm's decisions? How to assist them comprehend the impact that their own input to the algorithm has, in the context of several decision interconnections?

When a Group Recommender System serves as a decision-support tool within a conversational system, how can this system be made more adaptable to (i) group dynamics, (ii) contextual situation, (iii) moods and emotions in the group, (iv) diversity and specificity of preferences in different “sub-domains”, etc.?

What are the limitations of existing approaches for implementing privacy in Group Recommender Systems, and how to overcome these limitations? What are the trade-offs that must be made between privacy and explainability?

What are the potential trade-offs between fairness and other performance metrics, such as accuracy and personalization? How can these trade-offs be balanced to improve the overall performance?

How to tackle the lack of appropriate data sets? 
How to define a “valid” set of baselines considering different dimensions and features of a Group Recommender System being evaluated? 
How to define a well generalising framework that covers particularities of various Group Recommender System goals which will yield reproducible outputs?

We encourage the submission of original and novel contributions.
(A) Short Papers (max. 7 pages + reference - new ACM single column format);
(B) Long Papers (between 8 and 14 pages + reference - new ACM single column format);
Submission site: https://easychair.org/my/conference?conf=umap23 <https://easychair.org/my/conference?conf=umap23>  (select track GMAP Workshop)
All submitted papers will be evaluated by at least two members of the program committee, based on originality, significance, relevance and technical quality. Note that the references do not count toward page limits. Submissions must be anonymous, given that UMAP uses a double-blind review process. Authors must omit their names and affiliations from submissions, and avoid obvious identifying statements. For instance, citations to the authors’ own prior work should be made in the third person. 

Papers must be formatted using the new ACM single-column format template. The templates and instructions are available here: https://www.acm.org/publications/taps/word-template-workflow <https://www.acm.org/publications/taps/word-template-workflow> 

Available templates:
LaTeX (use \documentclass[manuscript, review, anonymous]{acmart} in the sample-authordraft.tex file for single-column): Preparing Your Article with LaTeX (acm.org) <https://authors.acm.org/proceedings/production-information/preparing-your-article-with-latex>
Overleaf (use \documentclass[manuscript,review,anonymous]{acmart} for single-column): Overleaf (acm.org) <https://authors.acm.org/proceedings/production-information/overleaf>
Word: Preparing Your Article with Microsoft Word (acm.org) <https://authors.acm.org/proceedings/production-information/preparing-your-article-with-microsoft-word>

All accepted papers will be published by ACM within the UMAP 2023 adjunct proceedings and will be available via the ACM Digital Library. At least one author of each accepted paper must register for the workshop and present the paper there. 

Paper submission: April 20, 2023 April 24, 2023
Notification to authors: May 10, 2023
Workshop papers camera-ready deadline (TAPS system): May 18, 2023
Workshop Date: June 26, 2023

Deadlines refer to 23:59 in the AoE (Anywhere on Earth) time zone.
Francesco Barile -  Maastricht University, The Netherlands
Amra Delić - University of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Ladislav Peska  - Charles University, Czechia
Isabella Saccardi -  Utrecht University, The Netherlands
Onuralp Ulusoy -  Utrecht University, The Netherlands
Federica Lucia Vinella - Utrecht University, The Netherlands

Received on Thursday, 13 April 2023 13:06:25 UTC