Re: RDF lists/arrays and n-ary relations [was Re: OWL and RDF lists]

On 9/30/22 13:49, Nicolas Chauvat wrote:
> Hi Peter,
> Le Fri, Sep 30, 2022 at 10:42:56AM -0400, Peter F. Patel-Schneider a écrit :
>>> alone would make any sense, for "e" and "1" have to stick together in
>>> a tuple for the position to exist / be defined.
>> Actually the e and the 1 do not have to stick together at all. The first of
>> the neithers is saying that the white king is at something that has position
>> letter e.   (Again ignoring whether this is a good way of representing chess
>> pieces, chess boards, and chess positions.)  This is a reasonable thing to
>> say and, although not as common as providing a full position description,
>> certainly could come up as information to represent and transmit.  One very
>> good reason to use RDF is to allow for this sort of incomplete description.
> Hmm. Don't we have numbers and strings in RDF ?
> When you say "the e and the 1 do not have to stick together at all", I
> understand the following. Is it what you mean ?
> """
> You want to write
>     :me :age 9.876e+01

Yes, your age is 98.76 (years?).

> but it is perfectly fine to write
>     :me :age_tens 9
>     :me :age_units 8
>     :me :age_fraction 76

I don't view this as acceptable, but only because it is bad modelling.

Better would be

   :me :age _x .

  _x rdf:type numbers:Number .

  _x numbers:tens 9 .

  _x numbers:units 8 .

  _x numbers:fraction_two_digits 76 .

as this keeps a single predicate to express years and there can be a place 
that describes what the predicates mean.

But there is still a problem here.  This doesn't say that :me's age is 98.76.  
It says that :me's age is something with tens 9, units 8, and fraction 
76/100.  :me's age could be 198.76, for example.  You could fix this in 
several ways.

But it is rather silly to do this kind of indirect modelling as RDF has 
built-in (more or less) literals that do the trick. However, I don't think 
that there are built-in literals for chess positions, and using lists as a 
stand-in isn't a good idea in my opinion.

> You want to write
>     :me :name "Bob"
> but it is perfectly fine to write
>     :me :name :_letter1
>     :_letter1 rdf:first "B"
>     :_letter1 rdf:rest :_letter2
>     :_letter2 rdf:first "o"
>     :_letter2 rdf:rest :_letter3
>     :_letter3 rdf:first "b"
>     :_letter3 rdf:rest rdf:nil
> """
> Why allow numbers and strings that are compounds of numerals and
> letters, but not allow compounds of numbers and strings as in a chess
> position ("e", 1) or a complex number with an imaginary part 2-3i <=>
> (2, -3) ?
This is saying that :me's :name is a list, not a string.  This is bad for 
starters, but it is also not stated anywhere what the correspondence between 
the lists and strings is.  For example, I might want to be little-endian, so I 
mean that the name is "boB". Or I might want to alternative between forename 
and surname letters, so the name would be "Bb o".

In my view it it much better to make these decisions explicit (and write them 
down in the namespace document), which for chess positions would be something like

chess:Position rdf:type rdfs:Class .

chess:rank rdfs:domain chess:Position .

chess:rank rdfs:range xsd:string .

chess:file rdfs:domain chess Position .

chess:file rdfs:range xsd:integer .

# a chess:Position represents a square of (position in) the standard chessboard

# chess:rank is the rank of the position, in chess algebraic notation and must 
be between a and h inclusive

# chess:file is the file of the position, in chess algebraic notation and must 
be between 1 and 8 inclusive

Ideally the last two should be represented in RDF(S), but that goes beyond the 
capabilities of RDFS.

Received on Friday, 30 September 2022 20:18:24 UTC