WE3 - qu'est que c'est?


I see a lot these days about “Web3” (e.g. https://ethereum.org/en/web3/) which appears to turn around a ‘new’ web based on blockchain technology. I am wondering what the W3C’s stance is on this. Both as a possible usurpation of the W3/Web3 moniker and also as a technology. Is W3C working towards a ‘new generation’ blockchain-based web? In case you are wondering, my position on blockchain is one of great circumspection not to say skepticism*. Please feel free to share my enquiry with other W3C folks.  

Best regards,
Neil McNaughton
2022 SPE Regional Data Science and Engineering Analytics Award Winner
Editor Oil IT Journal – www.oilit.com
The Data Room SAS
7 Rue des Verrieres
92310 Sevres, France

* https://oilit.com/2018+3+3 


Received on Thursday, 20 October 2022 08:07:13 UTC