RDF validity question



I am trying to reify predicates in a different way, and I need to know
whether this is valid RDF.


Assume I define an rdf:Property:



    rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ;

    rdfs:domain rdl:Artefact ; 

    rdfs:range rdl:Artefact .



    rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ;

    rdfs:subPropertyOf ont:hasPart ;

    rdfs:domain rdl:Valve ; 

    rdfs:range rdl:ValveActuator .


Then I have project information that tells that individual valve actuator
84128 is a part of individual valve 34543, effective that dateTime.



    rdf:type ont:valveHasActuator ;

    rdfs:domain ex:34543 ; # myValve

    rdfs:range ex:84128 ;   # myValveActuator

    meta:effectiveDate "2022-08-24T10:42:00Z"^^xsd:dateTime .


Is this semantically and syntactically correct RDF? (it passed the syntactic


I hope to hear from you!


(sorry Guus, I need the answer asap)

Received on Thursday, 25 August 2022 18:27:06 UTC