CfP Workshop@ISWC on Musical Heritage Knowledge Graphs - deadline August 23rd

Workshop on Musical Heritage Knowledge Graphs
The 22nd International Semantic Web Conference 2022 (virtual)
23-27 October 2022, Hangzhou, China

Music is a key component of our cultural heritage as well as a driver for
the creative industry. As such it is studied from a social science and
humanities perspective as well as from a computer science one. Recently,
knowledge graphs have shown the potential to become an enabling technology
for the hybridisation and collaboration between these two research worlds.
They can be used for feeding AI applications to support musicologists,
musicians, producers, etc. in tasks such as music management, analysis,
composition, and generation. And they are key for developing a new
generation of music information retrieval applications, based on
interlinked knowledge as opposed to isolated collections. Current music
data available on the web and in institutional collections is served in
heterogeneous and incompatible formats that cannot be easily integrated.
Music streaming providers are investing in AI research to develop services
and functions that rely on semantic analysis of music content. Similarly,
cultural and memory institutions and music collection owners are looking
more and more at LOD-based solutions to improve data integration strategies
and automatic analysis of their content towards better procedures for
preservation, management, and enhancement of musical heritage. The Semantic
Web community can respond to this call by putting into action focused
research on this domain.

This workshop intends to bring together an interdisciplinary audience of
researchers and practitioners, including digital artists, to present their
most recent use cases and results on methods, tools and applications for
building, analyzing, exploiting, and interacting with musical heritage
knowledge graphs.

We welcome submissions in the following tracks:

Papers (research track): Submit a 6-10 page paper.
Demos: Submit a work to be presented at a hands-on demo session. Demo
submissions should consist of a max 2-page extended abstract including
diagrams or images, and a complete list of technical requirements
(including anything expected to be provided by the conference organizers).

Paper submission system: EasyChair - submission link:

Topics of interest (include but are not limited to the following):

Methods and tools for knowledge extraction from audio and symbolic music
Methods and tools for large scale music data analysis Methods and tools for
knowledge extraction of musical heritage knowledge from text (including
lyrics analysis).
Methods and tools for interaction with musical knowledge graphs.
Findability and semantic exploration of musical heritage knowledge.
Semantic interoperability between music symbolic representations.
Formal representation of music notations Use cases and open challenges in
music knowledge graphs.
Knowledge graphs for supporting the music creation process.
Musical heritage knowledge graphs and ontologies for music-AI tasks AI
methods for building musical heritage knowledge graphs and ontologies

Important Dates

August 23rd, 2022 : Submissions deadline for Papers and Demos.
September 15th, 2022: Notification of acceptances and rejections for Papers
and Demos.
September 25th, 2022: Camera ready submission
October 23rd or 24th (TBA), 2022: Workshop dayorkshop

Valentina Presutti (University of Bologna)
Michel Buffa (University Côte d’Azur)
Luc Steels (Barcelona Supercomputing Center)
Jean-François Trubert (University Côte d'Azur)
Enrico Daga (Open University)
Albert Meroño (King’s College London)

Received on Thursday, 4 August 2022 09:38:29 UTC