Re: OWL reasoning with numbers

Of course, replacing

SubClassOf:            :hasAge only xsd:nonNegativeInteger[>=0, <=17]


EquivalentTo:            :hasAge only xsd:nonNegativeInteger[>=0, <=17]

solved the issue. Thank you!

On 15/10/2021 17.37, Franconi Enrico wrote:
> This is because Lamprocles is not necessarily a Child.
> You need to state that anybody with an age between 0 and 17 is a Child, for example by stating that Child is equivalent (rather that just a subclass) to minors.
> --e.
>> On 15 Oct 2021, at 16:13, Mikael Pesonen <> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I have following definitions (Manchester syntax)
>> # TBox --------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Class: :Child
>>      DisjointUnionOf:    :Boy, :Girl
>>      SubClassOf:            :hasAge only xsd:nonNegativeInteger[>=0, <=17]
>> Class: :Male
>> Class: :Female
>> Class: :Person
>>      DisjointUnionOf:    :Male, :Female
>> Class: :Boy
>>      EquivalentTo:        :Child AND :Male
>> Class: :Girl
>>      EquivalentTo:        :Child AND :Female
>> DataProperty: :hasAge
>>      Domain:                owl:Thing
>>      Range:                xsd:nonNegativeInteger
>>      Characteristics:    Functional
>> #ABox --------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Individual: :Lamprocles
>>      Types:                :Male
>>      Facts:                :hasAge "14"^^xsd:nonNegativeInteger
>> I am trying to infer following
>> Individual: :Lamprocles
>>      Types:    :Boy
>> Should that be possible, or is there some error in my thinking? Robot reasoner tool doesn't give explanation to this with any of the supported reasoners (HermiT, ELK...).
>> Other basic stuff works, such as
>> Individual: :Lamprocles
>>      Types:    :Person

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Received on Monday, 18 October 2021 08:59:06 UTC