Deadline Extension for the All the Agents Challenge (ATAC) at ISWC 2021

Dear all,

due to popular request, the deadline for the ATAC Challenge at ISWC 2021 
has been extended to *August 1st* .

What is the Challenge about?
ATAC is the challenge *to build agents that do things on Linked Data*. 
We provide (Read-Write) Linked Data environments for you to build 
agents, but you can also bring your own.

Details can be found below and on our website:

Looking forward to your submissions,

Tobias Käfer, Andreas Harth, Andrei Ciortea, Victor Charpenay

# All the Agents Challenge (ATAC) at ISWC 2021

Agents on the Web have been a part of the vision for the Semantic Web.
While it has been noted that the original Semantic Web vision has not
yet fully materialised, recent progress seems to indicate that we may
now be at a stage where:

* developments such as the Web of Things may unlock new practical use
cases for agents on the Web, and
* the substrate provided by recent Semantic Web technologies (e.g.,
Linked Data Platform, Linked Data Notifications, SoLiD PODs) may open
new perspectives on the integration of Semantic Web with agent technologies.

This bridging of technologies and communities has also been the topic of
the Dagstuhl seminar “Autonomous Agents on the Web” held in Feburary
2021. Therefore, for the 20th edition of the ISWC conference and in
spirit of Jim Hendler’s op-ed that asked “Where are all the agents?”, we
want to pose the All-the-Agents-Challenge (ATAC) to the Semantic Web

-->  The challenge to build agents that do things on Linked Data  <--

## Important Dates
Submission deadline:           August 1, 2021 (extended)
Notifications:                August 27, 2021
Challenge presentations:  October 24-28, 2021

Received on Thursday, 22 July 2021 20:49:53 UTC