Re: Extracting Validating Shapes (A short survey)

Dear all,

please help us by answering and re-sharing the link to this community survey -- only 3 mandatory questions
(thanks again to those that already answered the survey!)

( alternative link if you have issues with google forms: )

We believe the outcome will help provide interesting insights in needs (both from industry&academia) around the generation and use of validating shapes (SHACL/ShEx).

Thanks a lot,

Matteo Lissandrini

Department of Computer Science
Aalborg University

From: Kashif Rabbani <>
Sent: 30 November 2021 17:38:29
Subject: Extracting Validating Shapes (A short survey)

Dear all,
We are trying to understand "how validating shapes (SHACL/ShEx) are being extracted from graphs and ontologies". Please help us by answering our short anonymous survey: (only 3 mandatory questions)

We already shared this survey with the community in April and received great feedback and interesting insights (a big thank you to all the previous responders!). However, the reviewers suggested adding some more critical questions to understand the results better. So we ask all of you, including the previous responders, to kindly answer the survey again.
We will be sharing the results of the survey very soon. Please feel free to share this link with your colleagues.

Thank you very much.

Kashif Rabbani

Received on Tuesday, 14 December 2021 14:03:31 UTC