[CfP] Workshop on Personal Knowledge Graphs



PKG: Workshop on Personal Knowledge Graphs, https://pkgs.ws/

Co-located with the Automatic Knowledge Base Construction (AKBC) 
Conference 2021, https://www.akbc.ws/2021/, Virtual Event, October 7, 2021

Submission: https://easychair.org/my/conference?conf=pkg2021
For queries: pkg2021@easychair.org
Submissions due: Sep 6, 2021


The concept of personal knowledge graphs (PKGs) has been around for a 
while, in recognition of the need to represent structured information 
about entities that are personally related to a user. However, several 
open questions remain:

* Definition: The notion of a personal knowledge graph has been 
established loosely, as a resource of structured information about 
entities personally related to its user. This definition needs 
crystallization: What is personal knowledge and how is it represented in 
a PKG? What differentiates a PKG from general KGs, how are they related? 
How can PKGs benefit from information stored in general KGs and how is 
the benefit realised? How is work on PKG related to work in areas such 
as commonsense KGs and entity/event-centric understanding?

* PKG construction/population: What are the potential data sources 
(textual, visual, geolocation, etc.)? How to mitigate the 'dual use' of 
automated technology for PKG construction/population, since it can be 
used to extract and exploit personal knowledge about others?

* PKG utilities: What novel application scenarios would PKGs enable and 
what role does/can novel techniques such as semantic technologies and 
knowledge modeling play in this respect? How do PKG compare to existing 
solutions to these applications?

* Practical realization: Where would PKGs be stored and how would these 
interact with a range of external services, while considering access 
control as well as privacy concerns of users?

The goal of the PKG workshop is to create a forum for researchers and 
practitioners from diverse areas to present and discuss methods, tools, 
techniques, and experiences related to the construction and use of 
personal knowledge graphs, identify open questions, and create a shared 
research agenda.

We invite submissions of regular papers, position papers, demonstrators 
as well as encore talks (featuring already published work).


Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

   * Modeling personal knowledge (ontologies and knowledge representation)
   * Populating and maintaining personal knowledge graphs (natural 
language processing, entity and relation extraction, information 
   * Applications of personal knowledge graphs (including but not 
limited to intelligent personal assistants, personal information 
management systems, health information systems, recommender systems)
   * Evaluation (evaluation measures and methodology, benchmark 
   * Systems and toolkits


Important dates (Submission deadlines are 23:59, anywhere on Earth)
Sep 6, 2021: Submissions due
Sep 20, 2021: Paper notifications
Sep 30, 2021: Camera ready deadline
Oct 7, 2021: Workshop day


Submission Guidelines:

We welcome submissions of regular papers (4-6 pages) that present 
original technical, theoretical, or experimental contributions; position 
papers (2-4 pages) that explore controversial, risk-taking or nascent 
ideas that have the potential to spark debate and discussion at the 
workshop; demonstrator papers (max 4 pages) that present first-hand 
experience with research prototypes or operational systems. Submissions 
are single-blind and should use a double-column CEUR-WS proceedings format.

In addition to the paper contributions, we also invite submissions of 
encore talks, to present work that has already been published in a 
leading conference or journal, but is relevant to the topics of this 
workshop.  We require a copy of the paper along with a brief (max 200 
words) statement of relevance.

Submission site: https://easychair.org/my/conference?conf=pkg2021


Organizing committee:
Krisztian Balog (University of Stavanger, Norway)
Paramita Mirza (Max Planck Institute for Informatics, Germany)
Martin G. Skjæveland (University of Oslo, Norway)
Zhilin Wang (University of Washington, USA)

Contact: pkg2021@easychair.org

Received on Friday, 13 August 2021 07:17:40 UTC