Re: Job Opportunity at Perpetual Labs

Semantic modeling for aerospace is a focus area of mine.See: or

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   On Monday, April 5, 2021, 5:52:19 AM EDT, Gianmaria Bullegas <> wrote:  
 Hi There, 
I was directed to this mailing list by Prof Enrico Motta from The Open University. We are a young startup based in London doing research in the field of Model-Based Systems Engineering for Aerospace. We are interested in exploring the potential of semantic technologies and we are looking to expand our team with an expert in this field. I've attached some info about two positions we currently have open. Please feel free to get in touch with me for more info or forward to anyone you think might be interested.
Best Regards,Gianmaria
Gianmaria Bullegas, PhDCo-founder and CEOPerpetual Labs Ltd+44 (0) 7460 163469  

Received on Tuesday, 6 April 2021 14:45:13 UTC