DBpedia Live dump(s)?

Hi all,

Alberto (in copy) and I are looking for a base DBpedia Live dump (with a 
fixed date) in order to replay some DBpedia Live changes.

The DBpedia Live FAQ mentions that:

 A: The DBpedia-Live dumps are not currently available. They may be 
restored in future.

The corresponding link 404's.

If anyone happens to have a local copy of a file such as 
"dbpedia_2015_06_02.nt.gz", or similar, we would be grateful to somehow 
get our hands on it. :)

Otherwise we can perhaps just take some fixed version of DBpedia (though 
the dates might not be quite as precise as we would need to line up 
neatly with the change-sets).


Received on Thursday, 15 October 2020 18:43:01 UTC