Call for application 18 months post-doc position on the R&D SIRAM project (Integrated System for Mobile Robotic Assistants)

Dear all,

MINES Saint-Étienne opens a 18 months post-doctoral position in the R&D
SIRAM (Integrated System for Mobile Robotic Assistants) project, to
contribute to the development of a generic methodology for the deployment
and flexible operation of mobile assistant robots (AGV/cobot/ 3D vision) in
a human-machine industrial environment.

The objectives of the post-doctoral fellowship in the SIRAM project are:

 - Creation of an exchange standard between different materials such as
Cobot, AGV, 3D vision module to ensure interoperability between
heterogeneous materials
 - Definition of a description language for actions and industrial
processes independent of the resources and materials involved (mobile
assistant robots, machines, etc.) in order to ensure flexibility
 - Implementation of an integrated information system for the flexible
management of the industrial processes described above
 - Involvement in the animation and management of the project in relation
with the industrial partners

Open position description at:

Maxime Lefrançois
MINES Saint-Étienne

Received on Monday, 12 October 2020 10:32:12 UTC