ANN: Sparklis - make your RDF dataset easier to query and explore

Dear all,

it is my pleasure to announce Sparklis, a query builder
that runs in your browser, and can connect to any
SPARQL endpoint. If you have an RDF dataset, and you
want to make it queryable and explorable by your users
without having them to bother about SPARQL at all,
Sparklis is the tool you need.

Try it online on a few datasets such as DBpedia, Wikidata,
Mondial, or ISWC'17 metadata (also visit the /Learn/ > /Examples/ page) :

Use it on your own dataset :

Example of reuse : Persée <>

Actually, Sparklis was first released in April 2014. Since then,
it has continuously evolved and is now quite mature. It covers
almost all SELECT queries of SPARQL 1.1, covering retrieval
queries, exploratory queries, and analytical queries. See the
/Examples/ page for a rough idea of the coverage.

Sébastien Ferré
team SemLIS, IRISA
Univ. Rennes 1, France

Received on Tuesday, 17 November 2020 17:19:33 UTC