OWL2Bench: A Benchmark for OWL 2 Reasoners

Hello Everyone,

OWL2Bench is a benchmark for OWL 2 Reasoners that consists of three major
components: a fixed TBox for each OWL 2 profile (EL, QL, RL, and DL), an
ABox generator that can generate ABox of varying sizes for the
corresponding TBox, and a fixed set of 22 SPARQL queries that involve
reasoning. Thus, it evaluates reasoners from three aspects - support for
different OWL 2 profiles, scalability in terms of ABox size, and query

A brief description of the work and the corresponding presentation video
are available at  [link]
The code repository of OWL2Bench is available at

For any further discussion related to OWL2Bench, I am available during the
conference (ISWC 2020). Please ping me at the conference slack or send an

Gunjan Singh

Received on Thursday, 5 November 2020 18:08:22 UTC