Re: Detecting cycles in OWL

thomas lörtsch <<>>:
A quick question from the sideline: can T(s,p,o) be understood as some kind of reification?

If we are strict on the RDF terminology: no.
Indeed, a reification of the triple p(s,o) would be a resource r such that subject(r,s) object(r,o) predicate(r,p).
In a more general sense, reification always involves the existence of a new object (in this case: r) which denotes a complex description (in this case: the triple p(s,o)).
So, given a triple described by p(s,o), its reification is a resource r, which denotes that particular triple.
As a side note, let me say that reification in RDF is non-normative for a reason: it does not really capture the full semantics of reification, but just its syntactic form.

Received on Wednesday, 13 May 2020 10:17:31 UTC