Re: defining the semantics of lists

On 6/8/2020 10:26 AM, thomas lörtsch wrote:
>> On 8. Jun 2020, at 14:07, Hugh Glaser <> wrote:
>> Hi Thomas,

>> As a specific example of my problem, below you say: "I don’t see the pressing need for empty lists."
>> I think that means you have ideas of applications in mind - if you can expose those, please, that would be great.
> I didn’t for two reasons:
> - lists are such a fundamental concept that IMO examples rather cloud the view
> - my primary interest is to replace rdf:Lists with rdf:Collections and being able to close is what differentiates them on the semantic level
> But if you insist:
> - a list of my three favorite colors, unordered but finite.

Not a list, so why try to make a list out of it?

> - tables made from lists where it is important that each list (table row) has the same length

If they are not the same length in the original set of triples, then you 
have to truncate them somehow.  If they are the same length, then you 
don't need to do anything special.  Either way, I don't see this as 
anything that needs list characteristics.  The list-ness of the data has 
nothing to do with how you fill a table with it.

> And the application that I have always in mind is the contextualizing integrate-all-the-things that will finally bring love, peace and understanding to the world, ahem. But lists don’t play a very prominent role in that.
> Hope that helps
> Thomas

Received on Monday, 8 June 2020 15:21:15 UTC