- From: <cfp@mat.unical.it>
- Date: Mon, 27 Jul 2020 19:34:06 +0200
- To: cfp@mat.unical.it
[apologies for multiple copies] ================================================================================== 35th Italian Conference on Computational Logic (CILC 2020) 28-29 September 2020, Rende, Italy https://cilc2020.demacs.unical.it/ CO-LOCATED with the 36th International Conference on Logic Programming (ICLP 2020) ================================================================================== ***************************************** ABSTRACT SUBMISSION DEADLINE APPROACHING ***************************************** = COVID-19 SITUATION = This year's edition will be the 35th in the series of an event that is traditionally important for the community. Given to the evolving COVID-19 situation worldwide, the Conference chairs and the GULP Executives decided to hold CILC 2020 as a fully virtual conference. Please check https://cilc2020.demacs.unical.it/ regularly for news and details. = THIRD CALL FOR PAPERS = == Important Dates (UPDATE) == Abstract submission: July 31, 2020 Paper submission: J̶u̶n̶e̶ ̶2̶6̶,̶ ̶2̶0̶2̶0̶ --> August 31, 2020 Notification to authors: J̶u̶l̶y̶ ̶1̶3̶,̶ ̶2̶0̶2̶0̶ --> September 14, 2020 Camera-ready copy due: S̶e̶p̶t̶e̶m̶b̶e̶r̶ ̶3̶,̶ ̶2̶0̶2̶0̶ --> September 21, 2020 Main Conference starts: September 28, 2020 (Subject to slight postponements, please check the website regularly) = The Conference = CILC (Italian Conference on Computational Logic) is the annual conference organized by GULP (Group of researchers and Users of Logic Programming, http://www.programmazionelogica.it/). Its 35th edition will be held in Cosenza (Italy) on September 28-29, 2020. Since the first event of the series, which took place in Genoa in 1986, the annual GULP conference represents the main opportunity for users, researchers and developers working in the field of computational logic to meet and exchange ideas. Over the years the conference broadened its horizons from the specific field of logic programming to include declarative programming and applications in neighboring areas such as artificial intelligence and deductive databases. = Contributions = The conference will feature presentations of refereed contributions, including the demonstration of software prototypes, concerning all aspects of computational logic. The conference invites two types of submissions: * full papers, possibly already submitted to other conferences or journals * short papers, which are particularly suitable for presenting work in progress, software prototypes, extended abstracts of doctoral theses, or general overviews of research projects. The topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following: - Logic Programming, Constraint Programming and other paradigms of declarative programming - Extensions and integrations of declarative programming paradigms - Analysis, transformation, validation, and verification of programs - Instruments and environments for program development - Implementations and benchmarking - Model Checking - Temporal logics - Automated Theorem Proving - Non-Monotonic Reasoning - Answer Set Programming - Knowledge representation and extraction - Treatment of uncertain and incomplete knowledge - Approximate Reasoning - Abductive Logic Programming - Model-based Reasoning - Deductive Databases - Data Mining and Data Integration - Multi-agent systems - Logics for strategic reasoning - Semantic Web - Natural Language Processing - Computational logic for concurrency, coordination, mobility and objects - Planning and scheduling - Probabilistic Logic Programming - Computational Logic and formal methods in Artificial Intelligence - Applications of Computational Logic - Pedagogy of Computational Logic - Applications of Computational Logic - Inductive Logic Programming - Computational Logic and Machine Learning In particular, we also invite submissions of system or prototype software descriptions which use techniques or tools of computational logic, or which themselves aid the development of applications based on computational logic. Systems of both research and industrial character are welcome. Submissions must include a brief description, prepared according to the guidelines given for short papers, and a specification of the required hardware and software equipment. = Submission Details = Authors are invited to submit their manuscripts in PDF via the EasyChair system at the link: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=cilc20200 Articles must not exceed 15 pages for full papers and 8 pages for short papers, respectively. Manuscripts should be formatted using the Springer LNCS style. To ease the reviewing process, the authors of regular papers may add an appendix (although reviewers are not required to consider it in their evaluation). All contributions must be written in English. For each accepted contribution, at least one of the authors is required to register to the conference and present the paper according to directions that will be made public by the organizers, taking into account the "virtual" nature of this year's event. The event is organized by GULP; therefore, Italian attendants are required to be members of GULP (it is possible to join GULP contextually to the conference). = Proceedings and Journal Special Issue = All accepted original contributions (both full and short) will be published on CEUR-WS.org. Non-original communications will be given visibility on the conference web site including a link to the original publication, if already published. In the trail of the CILC tradition, we plan to publish a selection of the papers in a SPECIAL ISSUE of an international journal (to be determined). Extensions of accepted non-original contributions, if not published in a journal yet, might be included in the issue. = Committees = == General Chairs == * Francesco Calimeri – University of Calabria, Italy * Simona Perri - University of Calabria, Italy * Ester Zumpano - University of Calabria, Italy == Program Committee == * Mario Alviano, Università della Calabria * Roberto Amadini, University of Melbourne * Matteo Baldoni, Università di Torino * Stefano Bistarelli, Università di Perugia * Loris Bozzato, Fondazione Bruno Kessler * Roberta Calegari, Università di Bologna * Domenico Cantone, Università di Catania * Alberto Casagrande, Università degli Studi di Trieste * Emanuele De Angelis, IASI-CNR di Roma * Giovanni De Gasperis, Università dell’Aquila * Dario Della Monica, University of Udine * Giorgio Delzanno, Università di Genova * Wolfgang Faber, Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt * Fabio Fioravanti, Università di Chieti - Pescara * Andrea Formisano, Università di Perugia * Silvio Ghilardi, Università degli Studi di Milano * Laura Giordano, Università del Piemonte Orientale * Evelina Lamma, Università di Ferrara * Francesca A. Lisi, Università di Bari * Marco Manna, Università della Calabria * Marco Maratea, Università degli Studi di Genova * Paola Mello, Università di Bologna * Marco Montali, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano * Angelo Montanari, Università di Udine * Andrea Pazienza, Exprivia | Italtel Innovation Lab * Rafael Peñaloza, Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca * Adriano Peron, Università di Napoli * Maurizio Proietti, IASI-CNR Roma * Luca Pulina, Università di Sassari * Francesco Ricca, Università della Calabria * Andrey Rivkin, Libera Università di Bolzano * Gianfranco Rossi, Università di Parma * Sabina Rossi, Università di Venezia * Pietro Sala, Università di Verona * Umberto Straccia, ISTI-CNR
Received on Monday, 27 July 2020 17:34:21 UTC