Re: Blank nodes must DIE! [ was Re: Blank nodes semantics - existential variables?]

Hi Dieter.

That sounds very like the sort of thing that we use sameAs services for.
In particular, if you don't bring the data into one store, you can't do "normalisation" without writing stuff back into multiple sources stores.
I guess you are bringing the data into one store, so you can use normative URIs.

If not, a while ago we spent a while building an Open Source sameAs Lite service (including a lot of benchmarks to optimise the table structure.)
It's at 
The Github structure seems to have degraded a little since then but I'm sure would be serviceable if you found it useful - we'd be happy to help.

Even if you are managing URIs, you might find this way of managing them has benefits.


> On 5 Jul 2020, at 15:37, Dieter Fensel <> wrote:
> Thanks for the pointer. We may use this work in a project where we try to normalize URIs for a German Tourstic Knowledge Graph. There may be different URIs from different sources and we normalise these and give them a normative URl from established data sources on the web if possible (sorry in German [1]). Otherwise we some randomly generated IDs. Your work also may have relations to ID generation like studies in the OCCAM project or general in the IoT field (as Dan indirectly points out).
> [1]
> -- 
> Dieter Fensel
> Chair STI Innsbruck
> University of Innsbruck, Austria
> tel +43-664 3964684

023 8061 5652

Received on Sunday, 5 July 2020 21:16:48 UTC