Named Nodes (and owl:sameAs) must DIE! (was RE: Blank nodes must DIE!)

Don't worry, the serializations remain unchanged. What used to be blank nodes just become shortcut to use a node and assign an IRI to it.


<> foaf:knows <> .
<> owl:sameAs <> .

Is just a shortcut for:

_:node1 rdf:id ""^^xsd:iri.
_:node1 rdf:id ""^^xsd:iri.
_:node2 rdf:id ""^^xsd:iri.
_:node1 foaf:knows  _:node2.

This approach let's resources have an arbitrary number of names or no name at all. Which seems much more intuitive than having seemingly multiple resources (each used in one or many statements) and then owl:sameAs statements telling that those resources are in fact one and the same thing.


PS: It's not a new proposal, but I thought I post it again as the named-nodes/blank-nodes still seems to create confusion. Here's a previous post:

-----Original Message-----
From: Peter F. Patel-Schneider <> 
Sent: Mittwoch, 1. Juli 2020 15:14
Subject: Re: Blank nodes must DIE!

Old blank nodes never die, they just gain an IRI.


PS: Sorry, just couldn't resist.

Received on Friday, 3 July 2020 13:34:57 UTC