IEEE ESAS '20: 15th International Workshop on e-Health Systems and Web Technologies

[Apologies if you got multiple copies of this invitation]

IEEE ESAS'20: e-Health Systems and Web Technologies, 15th International Workshop
(In conjunction with IEEE COMPSAC 2020:  Driving Intelligent Transformation of the Digital World,  Madrid, Spain, July 13-17, 2020)
Call for Papers:
April 09, 2020 – Papers due
May 1, 2020 – Paper notifications due
May 15, 2020 – Camera ready submissions and advance author registration due
Web Page:

Submission Page: Select "Enter as an Author" and then select ESAS 2020@<>
Authors are invited to submit original technical papers and novel research contributions in any aspect of the following topics and covering but not limited to the topics of interest listed below.

Track 1: e-Health and applications (e-Health)
Health management and analytics; Big data in health; Medical decision support expert systems and tools; e-health oriented software architectures; e-health applications; Semantic Web and e-health systems; Smart health systems and applications; Biomedical semantics; Bioinformatics Web applications; Security, privacy and protection of personal data in e-health systems.

Track 2: Artificial Intelligence with Web Technologies and Data (AIWD)
Data science and machine learning models; Applications of machine learning; Machine learning for schema matching, instance matching, search and retrieval; Machine learning models on knowledge bases and semantic networks; Linked data management and analytics; Big data analytics and applications; Automated and traditional information retrieval and applications; Data mining and applications; Deep Learning and applications; Data driven services and applications.

Track 3: Recommendation Systems (RS)
Recommendation systems and algorithms; Information filtering; Machine learning for recommendation; Multi-agent recommender systems; Recommendation and social networks; Context-aware recommenders; Recommender system user interfaces.

Track 4: Web Technologies, Services and Applications (WTSA)
Web technologies, frameworks, languages, appliances, and services; Semantic Web, ontology and Web services; Web services challenges on trust, security, performance, scalability; IoT, data management and analytics; Cyber physical systems; Distributed systems, edge computing and streaming data analysis; Smart city applications; Platforms, technologies, mechanisms and case studies.
Journal and Book Publications
A sequel is being proposed to the successful ESAS Workshops Series (2006 – 2019) of the COMPSAC conferences.

Past ESAS journal special issues and book publications include the following:

  *   A special issue of the best papers of ESAS 2006 was published with An International Journal, IOS Press, ISSN 1574-1702; Volume 4, Number 3, 2008, pp: 293-346.
  *   The authors of the papers accepted at ESAS 2007 and 2008 were invited to submit extended versions of their papers for publication in the special issue on Engineering Semantic Agent Systems of Expert Systems: The Journal of Knowledge Engineering by Wiley-Blackwell Publishing. Vol 28, No. 5, 2011, pp: 410-487.
  *   The authors of ESAS 2009/10 were invited to submit an extended and revised version of their papers for publication in an edited volume titled Semantic Agent Systems: Foundations and Applications by Springer-Verlag. The book has been published (
  *   A special issue of the best papers of ESAS 2018 was published with Expert Systems: The Journal of Knowledge Engineering (Online ISSN: 1468-0394; SCI-E, IF: 1.505). The submissions for the special issue topic of “e-Health and Staying Smarter” for the “Expert Systems: The Journal of Knowledge Engineering” have resulted actually in two SIs which will be published in the first two issues of 2020.
  *   Likewise, a book project for the ESAS 2020 and past ESAS papers is likely to be offered; more to follow.

Paper Submission:
Submit your paper (upto six pages in the prescribed format) online using the drop-down menu tab “information-for-authors”  @ by April 09, 2020.
Paper format:

Accepted papers will be published in COMPSAC Proceedings at IEEE Xplore which is indexed by several popular indexing services.
Workshop Organizers:
Atilla Elci, Aksaray University (Emeritus), Faculty of Engineering, TURKEY, Email: atilla.elci (at)<>
Duygu Celik Ertugrul, Eastern Mediterranean University, Faculty of Engineering, Mersin-10, TURKEY, Email: duygucelik (at)<>, duygu.celik (at)<>

Received on Monday, 27 January 2020 15:26:33 UTC