CFP: EuroGraph'20 -- Co-located with EuroSys'20 in Heraklion, Greece

EuroGraph'20 Workshop
27 April, 2020 | Heraklion, Crete, Greece | Co-located with EuroSys

You are cordially invited to participate in the 1st European Workshop on Graph Processing Systems (EuroGraph).

## Abstract

The ubiquity of graph-structured data, as well as its growing scale and importance, has garnered much interest in the research community. In many application domains, ranging from social networks to bioinformatics, researchers are exploring ways to extract useful information from such graphs.

The 1st European Workshop on Graph Processing Systems (EuroGraph) focuses on a broad range of challenges in graph processing including algorithms, systems design and architectures, query processing and analytics, storage and networking, applications to machine learning, GPUs and heterogeneous architectures, scalability and reliability. The workshop addresses both academia and industry. We aim to provide a discussion forum and bring together researchers, practitioners, programmers, and others interested in investigating the latest advances in graph processing systems.

The workshop targets various subareas of graph processing including: graph analytics, graph mining, graph stores, graphical models, latent variable models, optimization and matrix factorization, approximate algorithms, and more.

## Call for Papers

### Important Dates

- Abstract registration deadline: February 25, 2020
- Paper submission deadline: March 3, 2020
- Acceptance notification: April 13, 2020
- Final paper due: April 24, 2020

All deadlines are "Anywhere On Earth" (UTC-12)

### Paper Submissions

You are invited to submit papers of up to 5 pages, with 10-point font, in a two-column format, including figures, and tables. Bibliographic references are not included in the 5-page limit. Submitted papers must use the official SIGPLAN Latex or MS Word templates from Please note that you should not modify key aspects of the template, such as font face, spacing, etc.

Papers will be reviewed and selected by the program committee consisting of experts in the area. Emphasis will be on original work that exposes a new problem, advocates a specific solution, or reports on actual experience. We welcome submissions of rejected papers from the conference. One author of each accepted paper is required to attend the workshop and present the paper for it to be included in the proceedings. We will be using HotCRP to manage submissions and reviews. Paper submission is double-blind.

## For more information

Yours sincerely,

Ashvin Goel & Laurent Bindschaedler
EuroGraph'20 Co-chairs

Received on Monday, 3 February 2020 09:51:16 UTC