- From: Roberto Navigli <navigli@di.uniroma1.it>
- Date: Thu, 9 Apr 2020 09:22:07 +0200
- To: semantic-web@w3.org
- Message-ID: <CAESezimHjmZmzBWuzre4Q7SDyx9P-1MaoySW4mYNn951ZKppbQ@mail.gmail.com>
*SyntagNet*, a resource with *88,000 lexical-semantic combinations*, is now out! We are proud to announce that *SyntagNet 1.0 *(http://syntagnet.org) is now available for download at http://syntagnet.org/download. Developed at the Sapienza NLP group (http://nlp.uniroma1.it), the multilingual Natural Language Processing group at the Sapienza University of Rome, SyntagNet is a *manually-curated large-scale lexical-semantic combination database *which associates pairs of concepts with pairs of co-occurring words. The goal of SyntagNet is to capture sense distinctions evoked by *syntagmatic relations* (e.g. mouse.n.1 and squeak.v.1 vs mouse.n.2 and click.n.4), hence providing information which *complements the essentially paradigmatic knowledge *shared by currently available Lexical Knowledge Bases such as WordNet. Its main features are: - *Wide coverage*, with *78,000 noun-verb and noun-noun lexical combinations *extracted from the English Wikipedia <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_Page> and the British National Corpus <http://www.natcorp.ox.ac.uk/>. - *High-quality*, *fully manual disambiguation *for all of the lexical combinations, according to the WordNet <https://wordnet.princeton.edu/> 3.0 sense inventory. - A resulting *Lexical Knowledge Base made up of 88,019 semantic combinations *linking *20,626 WordNet 3.0 unique synsets *with a relation edge. - A *user-friendly web interface *for looking up terms and their lexical-semantic combinations, with complete linkage to BabelNet <https://babelnet.org> 4.0. And much more! Please check out our EMNLP 2019 paper: M. Maru, F. Scozzafava, F. Martelli, R. Navigli. SyntagNet: Challenging Supervised Word Sense Disambiguation with Lexical-Semantic Combinations <https://www.aclweb.org/anthology/D19-1359/>, Proc. of EMNLP-IJCNLP 2019 or http://syntagnet.org for more details! *SyntagRank*, a *state-of-the-art knowledge-based Word Sense Disambiguation system *which uses SyntagNet to perform disambiguation in *five languages *(English, French, German, Italian and Spanish) is also available from the same website (will be *demoed at ACL 2020*!). *SyntagNet *is an output of the MOUSSE ERC Consolidator Grant <http://mousse-project.org/> No. 726487 and of the ELEXIS <http://elex.is> project No. 731015 under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme. Babelscape <http://babelscape.com> proudly developed the online interface and API, and provides the infrastructure for maintaining the service. Enjoy! The Sapienza NLP group -- ===================================== Roberto Navigli Dipartimento di Informatica Sapienza University of Rome Viale Regina Elena 295b (building G, second floor) 00161 Roma Italy Phone: +39 0649255161 - Fax: +39 06 49918301 Home Page: http://wwwusers.di.uniroma1.it/~navigli Sapienza NLP Group: http://nlp.uniroma1.it =====================================
Received on Thursday, 9 April 2020 07:22:47 UTC