[CfP] ESWC 2020 Call for Research, Resources, In-Use Tracks & PhD Symposium

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2nd Call for Papers

The 17th European Semantic Web Conference (ESWC 2020)

May 31st - June 4th, 2020, Heraklion, Crete, Greece.

ESWC is a premier venue for discussing the latest scientific results and innovations in the field

of semantic technologies on the Web and Linked Data, attracting a high number of participants

from academia and industry alike.

Follow us:

Web Page: https://2020.eswc-conferences.org/

Twitter: @eswc_conf

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ESWCCONF

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/groups/8843932/

Become part of ESWC 2020 by submitting to the following tracks & activities!

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In this announcement:


1. Call for Papers - Research Track


2. Call for Papers - Resources Track


3. Call for Papers - In-Use Track


4. Call for Papers - Ph.D. Symposium


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Important deadlines:

Research, Resources & In-Use Tracks:

* Paper abstract submission (mandatory): December 4, 2019

* Paper submission: December 11, 2019

Ph.D. Symposium:

* Submission deadline: Feb 12, 2020

(All deadlines are 23:59 anywhere on earth (UTC-12))

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1. Call for Papers - Research Track


The research track of ESWC 2020 is looking for novel and significant research contributions addressing theoretical, analytical and empirical aspects of the Semantic Web. We also encourage contributions to research at the intersection of Semantic Web and other scientific disciplines. Submissions to the research track should describe original, significant research on the Semantic Web, and are expected to provide some principled means of evaluation. Specifically, all papers should include evaluations of the approaches described in the paper. We strongly encourage evaluations that are repeatable. We also strongly encourage papers that provide links to: the data sets, source code, queries and other resources.

Based on previous years submissions, this year we are setting up ten research tracks that reflect some of the main research areas of the Semantic Web and its intersection with other scientific disciplines:

*    Ontologies and Reasoning


*    Natural Language Processing and Information Retrieval


*    Semantic Data Management and Data Infrastructures


*    Social and Human Aspects of the Semantic Web


*    Machine Learning


*    Distribution and Decentralization


*    Science of Science


*    Security, Privacy, Licensing & Trust


*    Knowledge Graphs


*    Integration, Services and APIs


Further info: https://2020.eswc-conferences.org/call-for-papers-research-track/

== Important Dates ==

Abstract submission (mandatory): December 4, 2019

Paper submission: December 11, 2019

Opening of rebuttal period: January 20, 2020

Closing of rebuttal period: January 24, 2020

Notification to authors: February 19, 2020

Camera ready papers due: March 18, 2020

== Program Chairs ==

Sabrina Kirrane, Vienna University of Economics and Business, Austria


Axel Ngonga, Paderborn University, Germany


2. Call for Papers - Resources Track


Many of the research efforts in the areas of the Semantic Web,Linked Data and Knowledge Graphs focus on publishing scientific papers that prove a hypothesis. However, scientific advancement is often reliant on good quality resources that provide the necessary scaffolding to support the scientific publications. Sharing these resources and the best practices that have lead to their development with the research community is crucial, to consolidate research material, ensure reproducibility of results and in general gain new scientific insights.

The ESWC 2020 Resources Track aims to promote the sharing of resources including, but not limited to: datasets, ontologies, vocabularies, annotated corpora, workflows, knowledge graphs, evaluation benchmarks or methods, replication studies, services, APIs and software frameworks that have contributed to the generation of novel scientific work. In particular, we encourage the sharing of such resources following best and well established practices within the Semantic Web community, including the provision of an open license and a permalink identifying the resource. This track calls for contributions that provide a concise and clear description of a resource and its usage. A typical Resource track paper has its focus set on reporting on one of the following categories:

*    Ontologies developed for an application, with a focus on describing the modelling process underlying their creation;

*    Datasets produced to support specific evaluation tasks or by a novel algorithm;

*    Knowledge graphs or remarkable interest that comprehensively cover new vertical domains;

*    Machine learning models that would impact the knowledge engineering community. Examples include comprehensive word embeddings trained on large corpora, or embeddings of commonly known knowledge graphs, such as DBpedia or Wikidata

*    Descriptions of a reusable research prototype / service supporting a given research hypothesis;

*    Descriptions of a dataset produced by a novel algorithm;

*    Descriptions of community shared software frameworks that can be extended or adapted to support scientific study and experimentation;

*    Benchmarking, focusing on datasets and algorithms for comprehensible and systematic evaluation of existing and future systems;

*    Development of new evaluation methodologies, and their demonstration in an experimental study.

Further info: https://2020.eswc-conferences.org/call-for-papers-resources-track/

== Important Dates ==

Abstract submission (mandatory): December 4, 2019

Paper submission: December 11, 2019

Opening of rebuttal period: January 20, 2020

Closing of rebuttal period: January 24, 2020

Notification to authors: February 19, 2020

Camera ready papers due: March 18, 2020

== Track Chairs ==

Heiko Paulheim, University of Mannheim, Germany


Anisa Rula, University of Milano-Bicocca, Italy


3. Call for Papers - In-Use Track


Semantic technologies are reaching maturity on and off the web. The In-Use track at ESWC 2020 provides a forum for the community to explore the benefits and challenges of applying semantic technologies in concrete, practical applications, in contexts ranging from industry to government and science. We are especially interested in applications that use the emerging knowledge graphs or semantic annotations on the web together with data mining, machine learning, or natural language processing techniques to the benefit of concrete, real-life scenarios. We are also looking for descriptions of applied and validated industry solutions as software tools, systems or architecture that benefit from the adoption of semantic technologies.

Importantly, papers presenting applications in use of semantic technologies should provide evidence that there is use of the proposed application or tool by the target user group, preferably outside the group that conducted the development. A main focus of the submission should be on the way semantics and semantic technologies are impacting this development, through benefiting the intended use case, as well as, if relevant, through the added challenges they introduce.

Topics of Interest:

We invite the submission of original papers organized around some of the following aspects:

*    Description and analysis of concrete problems and user requirements for applying semantic technologies in a specific domain

*    Descriptions of how Semantic Web resources (ontologies, datasets, software, standards, etc) are being used in practice

*    Analysis and evaluation of usability and uptake of Semantic Web tools and technologies

*    Scalability analysis and large scale deployment in real world scenarios

*    Assessment of the pros and cons of using semantic technologies to solve a particular and practical problem

*    Comparison of semantic technologies with alternative approaches that use conventional or competing technologies

*    Learned lessons and best practices from deploying and using an application or service based on Semantic Web technologies

*    Assessment of costs and benefits of implementing, deploying, using, and managing Semantic Web technologies

*    Analysis of risks and opportunities of using Semantic Web technologies in organizations with respect to their businesses and customers

*    Descriptions of alternative semantic technologies being deployed in practice

*    Mobile apps based on semantic technologies that have substantial user base

*    Applications in domain-specific areas such as Health & Life Sciences, Digital Libraries & Cultural Heritage, Media & Entertainment, Smart Cities, and Open Government

Further info: https://2020.eswc-conferences.org/call-for-papers-in-use-track/

== Important Dates ==

Abstract submission (mandatory): December 4, 2019

Paper submission: December 11, 2019

Opening of rebuttal period: January 20, 2020

Closing of rebuttal period: January 24, 2020

Notification to authors: February 19, 2020

Camera ready papers due: March 18, 2020

== Track Chairs ==

Anna Lisa Gentile, IBM, USA


Peter Haase, Metaphacts, Germany


4. Call for Papers - Ph.D. Symposium


The ESWC 2020 Ph.D. Symposium is a forum for Ph.D. students working in all areas of Semantic Web research to present their work, meet with peers and experienced researchers, receive feedback, and learn from each other’s experiences. It aims at helping Ph.D. students in developing the skills and confidence required to conduct and promote their research, as well as providing them with an opportunity to attend one of the most important research conferences on the Semantic Web.

The ESWC Ph.D. Symposium will give students the opportunity to:

*    Learn by constructive criticism: Established researchers and Ph.D. student advisors will provide constructive feedback to the submitted papers by means of an open and non-adversarial review process.

*    Learn from a mentor: Each student of an accepted paper will be assigned to a mentor- a selected member of the programme committee. Students will interact with their mentors on both the revision of their papers and the preparation of their presentations.

*    Learn about research: Doing good research goes beyond writing a good paper; it includes perspectives on research as an endeavour and a career. Besides the presentations, coffee breaks and the Ph.D. mentoring lunch will be used to exchange ideas and ask questions about all aspects of pursuing a Ph.D. and a research career in general.

*    Learn by presenting: Accepted contributions will be presented at the Ph.D. Symposium. All accepted contributions will also be included at the general poster session of ESWC. Students’ posters will be presented alongside posters and demonstrations of the main conference.

Further info: https://2020.eswc-conferences.org/call-for-phd-symposium/

== Important Dates ==

Submission deadline: Feb 12, 2020

Notification of acceptance: Mar 12, 2020

Revised version to mentor: Mar 26, 2020

Mentor’s feedback on paper: Apr 9, 2020

Final version: April 30, 2020

Draft presentation to mentor: May 7, 2020

Mentor’s feedback on presentation: May 14, 2020

Ph.D. Symposium: June 1, 2020

== Ph.D. Symposium Chairs ==

Maribel Acosta, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology


Axel Polleres, Vienna University of Economics and Business


Looking forward to your submissions!

The ESWC 2020 Organising Team


Received on Monday, 18 November 2019 11:54:47 UTC