Re: rdf and category theory

On 9/1/18 5:46 AM, Henry Story wrote:
 > A bit over 4 years have passed since this thread
 > ( )
 > and I somehow ended up in University of Southampton studying
 > Category Theory and RDF.  I am especially interested in 
bringing modal logic
 > to it, for reasons explained in the paper "Epistemology in the 
Cloud - on Fake news
 > and digital Sovereignty" where I argue from an epistemological 
point of view for a peer
 > to peer hyper web based on modal analysis of knowledge.
 > This has been accepted for the 2018 Decentralizing the 
Semantic Web Workshop
 > at ISWC. details here:
 > That paper does not go into technical detail, but it did lead 
Pat Hayes to ping
 > me that he was not happy with having references to Possible 
Worlds in the original
 > RDF Semantics spec. (It would be nice to have precise reasons 
for why this was
 > later thought to be a mistake).
OK, since you asked :-)

The only place in the 2004 RDF specification where the phrase 
"possible world" is used is in a non-normative section which I 
wrote as an attempt to give a kind of intuitive outline of the 
basic ideas of Tarskian model theory, expressed in as intuitive a 
way as I could for readers who were new to the whole topic of 
formal semantics. And the phrase occurs even there only in an 
aside comment, inside scare quotes, to suggest one way to think 
intuitively about Tarskian interpretations. Nothing is said 
anywhere in that document or indeed anywhere else in the 2004 RDF 
specification documents to even remotely suggest that RDF has 
modal content or should be understood as a modal logic. (In fact, 
that idea is so far removed from the whole enterprise of RDF that 
the idea - and the concomitant possibility of misinterpreting 
that passing phrase in this way - did not even occur to me at the 

However, this attempt to give an intuitive introduction in a 
technical specification document was not a success, as it was 
almost immediately misunderstood by a large number of readers 
(including, apparently, yourself) and in any case, in retrospect, 
it was not appropriate to give tutorial material in a technical 
specification. The revised RDF 1.1 semantics document, replacing 
the 2004 document which is now deprecated, therefore omits all 
such intuitive explanations and describes the (slightly modified) 
semantics directly and formally, without mentioning 'worlds' at 
all, possible or otherwise.

Right at the end of the RDF 1.1 semantics document there is 
indeed a tiny mention of the possibility of some future extension 
of RDF using a modal interpretation of RDF datasets (basically 
quad stores). But any such interpretation would require a major 
change to the semantics (analogous to the extension of Tarskian 
model theory to the Kripke semantics for modal logics) and some 
kind of enrichment of the RDF syntax to provide some way to 
indicate the syntactic scope of any modal operator. RDF graph 
syntax has no scope marking, a fact that gave the RDF and OWL WGs 
many technical challenges. (For further discussion of this point 
and what could be done about it, see
starting from slide 15.)

 > It is to me very clear that RDF has a modal aspect to it, 
which comes out very clearly
 > with Quad stores.

That is totally unclear to me. Quad stores can be, and have been, 
used to represent all kinds of 'extra' content, including graphs 
with time-stamping or location-stamping or representing states of 
something or linking information about a person or topic to that 
person or topic. None of this is modal.

But it looks like this may need proving - or perhaps someone has 
 > done so? Modal logic need not I suppose involve possible 
worlds, and the interesting thing
 > is that Category Theories believe to have proven that modal 
logic is to coalgebras what
 > equational reasoning is to algebras.  See "Modal Logics are 
Coalgebraic" for a summary
 > Coalgebras give us the mathematics of infinite streams, 
processes, a notion of co-induction,
 > and are to semantics what algebra is to syntax.
 > All RDF semantics tells us is how to merge two graphs when one 
believes them both
 > to be true.

Not quite "all", but your introduction of "believes" is 
gratuitous. The RDF (and OWL) semantics saying nothing about 
believing or beliefs.

 > But what if one believes that someone else believes them to be 

And how is that nested modality to be represented in a form that 
can be transmitted across the Web? You need to explain how RDF 
syntax can be extended to cover this kind of assertion.

 > by merging them one can find out what they think is true, and 
one can model that
 > in terms of possible worlds, or for those more syntactically 
oriented sets of all the
 > ways of completing those graphs in ways that are consistent 
(or sets of maximally complete
 > such graphs). There is a clear modal element to that, in so 
far as one cannot
 > merge graphs of what one believes to be true into someone 
else's belief store without getting
 > a wrong idea of what they believe.

But one can say all of this without mentioning the modal notion 
of belief. You are here simply talking about truth, consistency 
and validity (or otherwise) of inference on RDF graphs, but 
adding 'believes' instead of 'true' throughout.

 > So if this still needs to be proven

What exactly "needs to be proven" ?

it seems like Institution theory may help to do
 > so. In a very interesting paper from 2006 by Dorel Lucanu, 
Yuan Fang Li, and Jin Song Dong
 > entitled "Semantic Web Languages – Towards an Institutional 
Perspective" show how one can
 > use the theory of institutions to show how RDF, RDFS, OWL 
(light, DL,...,Full), ... that
 > seem to have very different semantics can in fact be seen to 
be consistent.

The OWL specification documents show this already, in almost 
painful detail. (Well, insofar as it is correct. Some RDFS 
tautologies are not valid in any OWL dialect, for example.)

 > So if someone tells you that these are incompatible semantics 
point them to that paper.

Or read the specifications themselves :-)


 > It looks like work needs to be done to show that these are 
also compatible with
 > modal logics (with neighborhood semantics is my guess: ie 
coalgebras of the form
 >     S -> S^2^2
 > a.k.a
 >     S -> đť’«đť’«(S)
 > where đť’«(S) is a predicate and đť’«đť’«(S) is a set of predicates. 
Now if one thinks
 > of a graph as a predicate on possible worlds, one sees why 
this is similar to quad
 > stores. Those are known as a hyper-system as explained in 
"Universal Coalgebra: A Theory
 > of Systems"
 > As for good introductions to CT, since that was part of the 
topic 4 years ago,
 > I think the best online intro (and more) for programmers are 
Bart Milewski's
 > ( ) videos on youtube
 > I really recommend it. He is extremely clear without being boring.
 > I also liked a lot "Category Theory for Computing Science" by 
Michael Barr and
 > Charles Wells  (online )
 > because they make the relation of categories to Graphs so clear.
 > Indeed just because the relation is so striking I asked a 
question on Math
 > Stackexchange to illustrate how one could be (mis?)lead into a 
simple pattern
 > of thinking of the relationship
 > Has anyone come across further developments in this space 
since then?
 > Henry Story
 >> On 17 Apr 2014, at 20:02, Obrst, Leo J. <> wrote:
 >> Back a few years, emerging from the old IEEE Standard Upper 
Ontology group’s work was Bob Kent’s Information Flow Framework, 
an ontology framework (a meta-level framework) based on Barwise & 
Seligman’s Information Flow Theory, itself an application of 
Category Theory. See, for example:
 >> Mainly folks have used Information Flow Theory or Goguen’s 
notion of institutions as springboards from category theory to 
ontologies, especially for so-called “lattice of theories”, 
ontology mapping, and semantic interoperability applications. 
Work includes Mossakowski’s various papers:
 >> For a short “position” paper, see:
 >> Markus Kr¨otzsch, Pascal Hitzler, Marc Ehrig, York Sure. 
2005. Category Theory in Ontology Research: Concrete Gain from an 
Abstract Approach.
 >> For RDF and category theory, the only paper I know of 
addresses graph transformations for RDF:
 >> Benjamin Braatz; Christoph Brandt. 2008. Graph 
Transformations for the Resource Description Framework. 
Proceedings of the Seventh International Workshop on Graph 
Transformation and Visual Modeling Techniques (GT-VMT 2008).
 >> Admittedly most of the above are applications beyond logic 
itself and RDF, but might shed some light on how category theory 
is being used for ontologies.
 >> Thanks,
 >> Leo
 >> From: []
 >> Sent: Wednesday, April 16, 2014 6:09 PM
 >> To: Gregg Reynolds
 >> Cc: Antoine Zimmermann; SW-forum Web;
 >> Subject: Re: rdf and category theory
 >> On 11 Apr 2014, at 16:32, Gregg Reynolds <> 
 >> On Fri, Apr 11, 2014 at 8:30 AM, Antoine Zimmermann 
<> wrote:
 >> There're a lot of resources available online and for free 
about category theory.
 >> Some examples:
 >>   - Jirí Adámek, Horst Herrlich, George E. Strecker. Abstract 
and Concrete Categories: The Joy of Cats (524 pages).
 >>   - Maarten M. Fokkinga. A Gentle Introduction to Category 
Theory: the calculational 
approach. (80 
 >>   - Jaap van Oosten. Basic Category Theory (88 pages).
 >> One of the best is Robert Goldblatt's Topoi : The Categorial 
Analysis of Logic .  He pays special attention to linking CT 
concepts to both classic math and ordinary intuition.
 >> I looked through Robert Goldblatt's Topoi quickly [1] and 
indeed it is the book that covers the subject probably most 
relevant to the semantic web community, since it aims to show how 
logic can be derived from Category Theory. In this area I found 
reading through the first part of Ralf Krömer's "Tool and Object: 
A History and Philosophy of Category Theory" to also be very 
interesting, as it gives an overview of the foundational debate 
in Mathematics  started by CT.
 >> It's so odd that RDF is entirely about relations just as CT 
is ( except that RDF is one to many whereas CT arrows are 
functions). So I really look forward to understanding how these 
two domains fit together, and perhaps how they complement each other.
 >> Henry
 >> [1] Having read through half of  "Conceptual Mathematics" by 
Willima Lawvere and done most of the exercises there, I am 
starting to be able to read a lot of these books much more easily.
 >> -Gregg
 >> Social Web Architect
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