PhD proposal - Interoperability in Decentralized Goal-Directed Building Asset Management System

Dear all,

Please broadcast this PhD proposal to potential candidates with knowledge
in Semantic Web and/or Multi-agent systems.

*Title*: Interoperability in Decentralized Goal-Directed Building Asset
Management System

*Employer*: MINES Saint-Étienne
*Lab*: Laboratoire Hubert Curien UMR CNRS 5516, Connected Intelligence team
*Location*: Saint-Étienne, France
  - Olivier Boissier, Professeur IMT
  - Philippe Calvez, Research Lab Manager, ENGIE LAB, Laboratoire CSAI
  - Maxime Lefrançois, Maitre Assistant IMT
*Keywords*: Linked Building Data, Semantic Interoperability, Semantic Web,
Multi-agent systems

Maxime Lefrançois
MINES Saint-Étienne
Laboratoire Hubert Curien - UMR CNRS 5516

Received on Wednesday, 21 November 2018 10:47:19 UTC