quint stores

I’m looking for "quint stores", that is RDF databases that support DataSets and additionally maintain statement IDs e.g. for internal administrative purposes. Bonus points if they expose those statement IDs through APIs, more bonus points if they are open source. I found some, listed below, and would like to know if there are more.

implements statements as SPOGI quints [0]. 
This is pretty much what I’m looking for (except being open source).

"includes a reification function which allows statement identifiers to be used as the subject of an RDF quad; this extends the RDF Quad model used in Stardog to have a notion of virtual 'quints'."[1]
This again seems to be pretty much what I’m looking for (except being open source).

seems to be able to provide statements IDs with little effort as suggested by a blog post by Orri Erling[2]. I’m not sure if this is still true for the current column store implementation as the blog post is from 2009.

"represents RDF* reified statements as bnodes"[3] but I’m not sure how they implement that. RDF* representations of a triple are not really an ID but they write "You can extend this interface and provide your own value factory if you prefer a custom look for the RDF values in your property graph. Blazegraph accepts user-supplied IDs (strings only) for vertices and edges." That seems to satisfy my need for IDs exposed through an API although I’m not sure if I understand everything correctly.

I did skim docs of RDF4j, Jena, Oracle and google around but couldn’t find anything. 
I didn’t dive into any code bases though.


[0] https://franz.com/agraph/support/documentation/current/agraph-introduction.html#header3-78]
[1] https://www.stardog.com/docs/#_motivation_implementation
[2] https://www.openlinksw.com/weblog/oerling/?id=1572
[3] https://github.com/blazegraph/tinkerpop3/#blazegraph-tinkerpop3-implementation-blazegraph-gremlin

Received on Monday, 30 July 2018 15:01:05 UTC