Re: Newsletter & Call for Papers WebSci'18

Dear Harry,

> I would appreciate it if Sarven woukd stop demanding scientific conferences use his tool

I understand your concerns about the volume of mails,
but at the same time, you seem to have missed a most important part of the message.

Sarven does not push “his” tool.
He pushes the use of Web technology to communicate about research, regardless of any tool.

Several people, including myself, have published their research with Web technology
without using Sarven's tool, and he has been a great supporter of that.
He does not care about the means, just the ends.
See for details.

That said, Sarven and others do provide toolchains
to put all of these things into practice.
But you and I are not the audience of such a tool,
given that we come from a LaTeX background
and probably use a simple text editor to write articles.

> which for serious consideration would require latex or equivalent for math.

It would be highly helpful if you gave some concrete examples of things
that you find difficult to do in HTML;
I'm sure people will be really happy to help you.



Received on Thursday, 22 February 2018 07:58:57 UTC