Jekyll-RDF Tutorial–Transform your RDF Knowledge Graph into static websites and blogs

Hey Everybody,

together with students we've created Jekyll-RDF, a plugin for the famous 
Jekyll–static website generator. With Jekyll-RDF we took the slogan of 
Jekyll “Transform your plain text into static websites and blogs” and 
transformed it to “Transform your /RDF Knowledge Graph/ into static 
websites and blogs”. This enables people without deep programming 
knowledge to publish data, which is encoded in complicated RDF 
structures, on the web in an easy to browse format.

To ease your start with Jekyll-RDF I’ve created a Tutorial Screencast 
that teaches you all the basics necessary to create a simple Jekyll page 
from an RDF knowledge base.

You will find the blogpost in our AKSW blog:

And the video is here:

I hope that you enjoy it and that it is helpful for you!


Have a look at

Received on Tuesday, 7 August 2018 11:40:50 UTC