Re: Using PROV-O to represent ontology processing, extraction and reasoning operations

  seems very reasonable to use prov:wasGenerated By <activity>. feel free
to explicitly add "a prov:Activity" to your foo/op1.


On Sat, Nov 25, 2017 at 7:46 PM, Chris Mungall <> wrote:

> I had anticipated using prov:wasAssociatedWith, and not creating any new
> properties. The gap to be filled is on the side of subclasses of
> prov:Activity, for representing operations specific to ontology processing.
> Assuming such an ontology, does this rough sketch seem like a standard
> pattern? Is there a good analogous set of design patterns to follow (e.g.
> software compilation, scientific workflows)?
> @prefix prov: <> .
> @prefix xsd: <> .
> @prefix rdf: <> .
> @prefix rdfs: <> .
> @prefix owl: <> .
> @prefix obo: <> .
> @prefix opera: <> .
> ## Ontology header
> obo:foo.owl a owl:Ontology ;
>    dc:title "..." ;
>    prov:wasDerivedFrom obo:foo/foo-edit.owl ;
>    prov:wasGeneratedBy obo:foo/op1 ;    ## see below
>    prov:wasAttributedTo obo:foo/editors ;
>    ...
> ## Ontology provenance
> obo:foo/op1 a opera:ReasonOperation ;
>    prov:used obo:foo/foo-edit.owl ;     ## 'source code'
>    prov:wasInformedBy <configuration??> ## what to use here?
>    prov:startedAtTime "..." ;
>    prov:endedAtTime "..." ;
>    prov:wasAssociatedWith <github/mavenOrGithubIRIforROBOTversion??> ;
> ## Ontology below
> obo:FOO_0000001 a owl:Class ;
>     ...
> On 25 Nov 2017, at 0:29, Graham Klyne wrote:
> Is there any reason that
> doesn't work for you?
> My recollection of PROV discussions is that involvement of human, software
> and other agents in an activity was intended to be captured using this (or
> qualifiedAssociation structures - cf.
> qualifiedAssociation).
> (IIRC, the "qualifiedAssociation" and similar structures --
> -- were
> introduced to avoid application-dependent (not a priori defined)
> sub-properties, which would break OWL-QL compatibility of PROV, with
> attendant reasoning performance challenges.)
> #g
> --
> On 24/11/2017 22:15, Chris Mungall wrote:
> Many ontologies such as those in the life-sciences have complex multi-step
> release pipelines: for example, using an OWL reasoner to assert direct
> inferred
> subClassOf axioms, adding owl annotations, verifying using SPARQL. It
> would be
> useful to capture the full operation graph, so that the provenance of the
> released ontology was explicit.
> PROV-O would provide the main framework for doing this. PROV-O predicates
> could
> be used directly. Existing standards could be used to represent the
> software
> agents involved. AFAICT there is a gap for an ontology for representing the
> ontology processing operations (subclasses of prov:Activity).
> Is there an existing effort that could be piggy-backed on here? This could
> be
> subsumed into an effort that seeks to represent for example transformations
> between named graphs. Alternatively, the ontology build pipeline could be
> conceived either as a software release process or a scientific workflow.
> For the
> latter, there are a number of ontologies but it's not clear we'd get any
> benefit
> using these rather than PROV-O directly.
> If there is no existing work being done here, I'll propose a draft of
> activity
> classes and design patterns, and we can do a demo implementation in our
> ontology
> release tool [ROBOT]( But I'd rather not
> duplicate any existing efforts.

Michel Dumontier
Distinguished Professor of Data Science
Maastricht University

Received on Saturday, 25 November 2017 23:00:51 UTC