rdfs:domain and rdfs:range


I came across a system implementing Semantic Web technology and 
replacing rdfs:domain and rdfs:range by its own constraints.
Can this still be considered W3C compliant?

The (anonymized) declaration:
x:propertyX a owl:ObjectProperty. # replacing rdfs:domain
x:propertyY a owl:ObjectProperty. # replacing rdfs:range
(Note: without any other semantics, e.g.
        x:propertyX rdfs:subPropertyOf rdfs:domain.)

Reason for doing this: 'insufficient control over type of subject and 
object', because:
* implementation of the RDF/S model theory for rdfs:domain and 
rdfs:range with e.g. N3 rules:
{?P rdfs:domain ?DC. ?x ?P ?y} => {?x a ?DC}.
{?P rdfs:range ?RC. ?x ?P ?y} => {?y a ?RC}.

* and example with mock-up ontologies and data (without prefix headers):
y:Rock a rdfs:Class.
z:Human a rdfs:Class.
z:BiologicalSex a rdfs:Class.
	a owl:ObjectProperty;
	rdfs:domain z:Human;
	rdfs:range z:BiologicalSex.
	a y:Rock;
	z:hasBiologicalSex z:female.

* leads to following inferences with a machine reasoner using the above 
ex:rock1 a z:Human. # not OK => 'One can state and infer the wrong 
z:female a z:BiologicalSex. # OK

Note: problem can be solved by declaring:
z:Human owl:disjointWith y:Rock. # For the example above this will 
result in a conclusion: false.

Kind regards,

Received on Sunday, 19 November 2017 01:46:03 UTC