RE: I am.

Or how about (reaching back into the dark origins of RDF where reification was a thing)

  rdf:type rdf:Statement ;
  rdf:subject :I-am ;

From: Jin-Dong Kim []
Sent: Thursday, 18 May, 2017 14:58
To: Young,Jeff (OR) <>
Cc: Michel Dumontier <>; Sarven Capadisli <>; W3C Semantic Web IG <>
Subject: Re: I am.

Sadly, I can't, in relational thinking.
I need another object holding a relationship with me (except the world), or a property of me which I would like to talk of, to make a statement in RDF.

I may be able to state:

<> a owl:Thing

which, however, is meaningless with the open world assumption.

With no relationship and no interesting property, I may not exist in the world, or may be.


Received on Thursday, 18 May 2017 05:11:56 UTC