- From: Stefan Dietze <stefan.dietze@gmx.de>
- Date: Fri, 12 May 2017 06:31:00 +0200
- To: "semantic-web@w3.org" <semantic-web@w3.org>
----------------- Call For Papers ----------------- - 4th International Workshop on Dataset PROFIling & fEderated Search for Web Data (PROFILES’17), in conjunction with the 16th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2017) - - Dates & Venue: October 21 or 22, 2017, Vienna, Austria - Deadline: 21 July 2017 - Website: https://profiles2017.wordpress.com ------------------- PROFILES OVERVIEW ------------------- The Web of Data, including Linked Data and knowledge graphs, has seen tremendous growth recently. In addition, new forms of structured data have emerged in the form of Web markup, such as schema.org, and entity-centric data in the Web tables. Considering these rich, heterogeneous and evolving data sources which cover a wide variety of domains, exploitation of Web Data becomes increasingly important in the context of various applications, including federated search, entity linking, question answering and fact verification. These applications require reliable information on dataset characteristics, including general metadata, quality features, statistical information, dynamics, licensing and provenance. Lack of a thorough understanding of the nature, scope and characteristics of data from particular sources limits their take-up and reuse, such that applications are often limited and focused on well-known reference datasets. The PROFILES workshop series aims at gathering approaches to analyse, describe and discover data sources – including but not limited to SPARQL endpoints – as a facilitator for applications and tasks such as query distribution, semantic search, entity retrieval and recommendation. PROFILES offers a highly interactive forum for researchers and practitioners bringing together experts in the fields of Semantic Web, Linked Data, Semantic Search, Databases, NLP, IR and application domains. PROFILES’17 will gather novel works from the fields of semantic query interpretation and federated search for entity-centric Web data, dataset selection and discovery as well as automated profiling of datasets using scalable data assessment and profiling techniques. PROFILES’17 will equally consider both novel scientific methods and techniques for querying, assessment, profiling, discovery of distributed datasets as well as the application perspective, such as the innovative use of tools and methods for providing structured knowledge about datasets, their evolution and fundamentally, means to search and query Web Data. We will seek application-oriented, as well as more theoretical papers and position papers. -------------------- TOPICS OF INTEREST -------------------- Topics of interest of PROFILES’17 include: - dataset profile representation (vocabularies, schemas) - novel applications and techniques for dataset profiling - automated approaches to dataset analysis and exploration - profiling and assessment of novel forms of entity-centric Web data (tables, markup, schema.org) - analysis/monitoring of dataset and graph dynamics - topic profiling of datasets - assessment of dataset schema conformance and evolution - dataset quality analysis for query routing - query routing taking into account relevance and quality of distributed datasets - semantic annotation and expansion for keyword queries over distributed Web data - keyword query interpretation and disambiguation for Web Data - fusing, cleaning, ranking and refining search results - scalability & performance of distributed data queries - novel applications using dataset profiles ----------------------- SUBMISSION GUIDELINES ----------------------- We welcome the following types of contributions: - Short (up to 6 pages) and full (up to 15 pages) research papers. - Poster abstracts and system demonstrations should not exceed 4 pages. All submissions must be written in English and must be formatted according to the Springer LNCS proceedings style. Each submission will be reviewed by at least 3 members of the PC. Papers will be evaluated according to their significance, originality, technical content, style, clarity, and relevance to the workshop. Please submit your contributions electronically in PDF format via the Easychair system: https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=profiles2017. ------------- PROCEEDINGS ------------- Papers will be published with the CEUR Workshop Proceedings (CEUR-WS.org), listed by the DBLP. ----------------- IMPORTANT DATES ----------------- - Workshop paper submissions due: July 21, 2017 - Workshop paper notifications sent: August 24, 2017 - Camera-ready copies due: September 7, 2017 - ISWC Workshops & Tutorials October 21 & 22, 2017 --------------------- WORKSHOP ORGANISERS --------------------- - Elena Demidova (L3S Research Center, Germany) - Stefan Dietze (L3S Research Center, Germany) - Julian Szymanski (Gdansk University of Technology, Poland) - John Breslin (NUI Galway, Ireland) --------------------- PROGRAMME COMMITTEE --------------------- - Axel Ngonga Ngomo, InfAI, University of Leipzig - Muhammad Saleem, InfAI, University of Leipzig - Andreas Nürnberger, Otto-von-Guericke University of Magdeburg - Alessandro Adamou, Knowledge Media Institute, The Open University - Enrico Daga, The Open University - Dmitry Mouromtsev, ITMO University, St. Petersburg - Bernardo Pereira Nunes, PUC-Rio - Thanassis Tiropanis University of Southampton - Konstantin Todorov LIRMM / University of Montpellier - Tom Heath, Arup - Charlie Abela, University of Malta - Marco Antonio Casanova, PUC–Rio - Raquel Trillo-Lado, Universidad de Zaragoza
Received on Friday, 12 May 2017 04:31:35 UTC