[removing RDFa from cc as this pertains to more general RDF and JSON-LD
This is great, I wasn't aware of either of these context repositories.
A while ago, I created a registry of JSON-LD contexts used in the life
This include contexts auto-generated from non-semweb identifier
registries such as identifiers.org, as is part of a larger effort
The underlying philosophy is that there can be no way to ensure that
prefixes are globally unique. However, individual communities can
guarantee unique prefixes in a local context (for example,
obofoundry.org has unique canonical prefixes corresponding to ontology
purls within the purl.obolibrary.org space). Tools can then be used to
generate applicate-specific merged JSON-LD contexts, with the ability to
detect and resolve conflicts when context files are merged.
How should I go about coordinating this effort with the efforts below?
On 7 Jan 2017, at 4:03, Ghislain Atemezing wrote:
> Hello,
>> Le 7 janv. 2017 à 08:07, Gregg Kellogg <gregg@greggkellogg.com> a
>> écrit :
>> Prefix.cc <http://prefix.cc/> maintains a JSON-LD context with a
>> number of prefixes [1]. W3C could certainly host another, which would
>> just be a subset of the CSVW context.
> Linked Open Vocabulary also maintains a JSON-LD context at
> http://lov.okfn.org/dataset/lov/context
> <http://lov.okfn.org/dataset/lov/context>.
> Ghislain
> ---------------------------------------
> Ghislain A. Atemezing, Ph.D
> Mail: ghislain.atemezing@gmail.com
> Web: https://w3id.org/people/gatemezing <http://www.atemezing.org/>
> Twitter: @gatemezing
> About Me: https://about.me/ghislain.atemezing
> <https://about.me/ghislain.atemezing>