Hi Hugh,
> On 06 Feb 2017, at 19:10, Hugh Glaser <hugh@glasers.org> wrote:
> I'm probably missing something, but don't I need a SPARQL endpoint for the TPF server?
You certainly don’t; but you can, if you want. The TPF server publishes a datasource through a Web API that only accepts triple patterns. What type of datasource you use is up to you.
We mostly use HDT (http://rdfhdt.org <http://rdfhdt.org/>), because it is very compact and very performant for the TPF server. You can also use a SPARQL endpoint as datasource, but I wouldn’t recommend it.
SPARQL queries are possible, but they are executed by the client. Check out http://client.linkeddatafragments.org/ <http://client.linkeddatafragments.org/> for instance. It queries http://fragments.dbpedia.org/en <http://fragments.dbpedia.org/en> by default, but this could be any other TPF interface.