Re: [CfP] ISWC 2018 - Call for Papers and Proposals

On 2017-12-23 22:03, Maribel Acosta wrote:
> This is an announcement of the ISWC 2018 call for papers and proposals


My reading of the "Submissions" is that, researchers must obey
for-profit publisher's print-centric guidelines in order to make their
contributions, as well as give away exclusive rights of their work to
the publisher - which is later paywalled.

In the past, ISWC at least momentarily pretended to do the "Web"
contributions thing, where the camera-ready versions of the articles
still had to be in LaTeX or whatever archaic thing, in this day and age.

Also noting that
appears to be blank at this time.

Can you please confirm if the articles using the Web stack is no longer
welcome at the International "Semantic Web" Conference?

Possibly for some inspiration, please note that ESWC still welcomes
Web-centric contributions, as well as open reviews:

It'd be great if ISWC followed suit.

PS: When you publicise the registration costs for the event, can you
please indicate the amount that's transferred to Springer's bank account?


Received on Saturday, 30 December 2017 17:32:12 UTC