[CfP] ISWC2016: Call for Lightning Talks

*** Call for Lightning Talks ***

15th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2016)

           Kobe, Japan, October 17 -21, 2016

Website: http://iswc2016.semanticweb.org <http://iswc2016.semanticweb.org/>
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/113652365383847 <https://www.facebook.com/groups/113652365383847>
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ISWC2016 <https://twitter.com/ISWC2016>


This session provides an open forum for participants to present a topic of their choosing (late breaking research, a position statement, an announcement of some new software or dataset or maybe a reaction to a presentation). Each presenter is limited to one slide and two minutes time. Limited presentation slots will be awarded on a first-come-first-served basis, so early submission is advised!

Presenters must submit their slide in pdf format to the following address: iswc2016lightningtalks@gmail.com

Please also indicate the title of your talk as well as the name and affiliation of the authors.

Submissions due: *October 20th 23:59*.

Check the call here: http://iswc2016.semanticweb.org/pages/calls/lightning-talks.html <http://iswc2016.semanticweb.org/pages/calls/lightning-talks.html>

Lightning Talks Chair
* Miriam Fernandez - The Open University, United Kingdom ( miriam.fernandez@open.ac.uk )

Received on Tuesday, 6 September 2016 07:40:51 UTC