Re: How to add "labels" to SPARQL output

Hi Mario,

CONSTRUCT is not what you want here as CONSTRUCT is used to get back a graph.

If I understand correctly, what you want is to assign a value to a ?inOutLabel variable, and BIND can be used to do that:
SELECT  ?node_related ?inOutLabel 

    ?central_node a <node> ;
        <id> 123 .
        [] <output_node_link> ?central_node ;
           <input_node_link> ?node_related .
          BIND("IN" as ?inOutLabel )
        [] <input_node_link> ?central_node ;
           <output_node_link> ?node_related .
          BIND("OUT" as ?inOutLabel )

Hope that helps

Fabian Cretton
Senior research assistant

Data Semantics Lab
Tél. / Tel. :027/606.90.05 

 HES-SO Valais-Wallis • Techno-Pôle 3 • 3960 Sierre
+41 27 606 90 01 • •  

Be green, keep it on the screen 

>>> Mario Valle <> 10.11.2016 06:33 >>>
Dear SPARQL gurus,
I have a graph, composed by nodes and link joining them, represented as 
triples. Now for a specific node I want to list the nodes that are 
pointed FROM the given node or that point TO the given node. This is easy:

SELECT  ?node_in ?node_out

    ?central_node a <node> ;
        <id> 123 .
        [] <output_node_link> ?central_node ;
           <input_node_link> ?node_in .
        [] <input_node_link> ?central_node ;
           <output_node_link> ?node_out .

My question: instead of having two columns to distinguish linked node as 
IN or OUT, is it possible to have a single ?node_related column and a 
variable that says "IN" or "OUT"?

I think I have to put before my query a CONSTRUCT that adds this field 
to the related nodes, but I don't know if this field could be defined 
"temporary" and does not modify the db content.

Thanks for your help!

Ing. Mario Valle
Swiss National Supercomputing Centre (CSCS)
v. Trevano 131, 6900 Lugano, Switzerland
Tel: +41 (91) 610.82.60

Received on Thursday, 10 November 2016 06:10:21 UTC