[CfP] RR Doctoral Consortium: Submission Deadline June 22nd

        RR 2016 Doctoral Consortium
           Call for Applications
      **Submission Deadline: June 22nd!**

Continuing its successful tradition, the 10th International Conference On Web Reasoning And Rule Systems (RR 2016) will host a Doctoral Consortium (DC).

The RR 2016 DC will provide doctoral students in Web Reasoning and related areas with a unique opportunity to present and discuss their research directions, be involved into state-of-the-art research discussion, and supported in establishing fruitful research collaborations.

The DC is composed by two main events:

 - a mentoring lunch, where students will have the opportunity to get in touch with prominent researchers and pioneers in the field of Web Reasoning and Rules, and of related areas; and
 - a poster session where students will have the possibility to present their work, share their ideas, and receive constructive feedback on their research activity.


22/06/2016: submission deadline
15/07/2016: notification
25/07/2016: camera ready 
XX/09/2016: Doctoral Consortium (TBD) 

All deadlines have a cut-off point of 23:59 anywhere on earth.


We welcome submissions from PhD students whose research activity is related to web reasoning and rule systems. Students are invited to submit an original description of their work, including the following elements:

 -  Introduction and motivation: a clear formulation of the research questions you are trying to solve.
 -  Background: positioning of such questions in the field of web reasoning and rule systems, and description of the relevant state of the art.
 -  Research plan and achievements: description of the proposed solution to the aforementioned research questions, and of the corresponding research plan, stressing in particular relevance and novelty.

Each submission consists of:

 -  A paper conforming to the submission information above, limited to 8 pages in English,and formatted using the LNCS style.
 -  A short reference letter from the PhD supervisor, indicating the current status of the student within the PhD research activity, the expected date of thesis submissions, the publications co-authored by the student within the PhD, and why it is important for them to attend the RR 2016 DC.

Please create a single PDF containing the submission and the reference letter.

Submissions are managed through Easychair: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=rr2016dc


The proceedings of the RR 2016 DC will be published as CEUR Proceedings, listed in DBLP and submitted for indexing by SCOPUS.


Doctoral Consortium Chair:
Rafael Peņaloza (Free University of Bozen-Bolzano)

Program Committee:

Mario Alviano (University of Calabria, Italy)    
Stefan Borgwardt (TU Dresden, Germany)
Simona Colucci (Politecnico di Bari, Italy)
Marco Montali (Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy)
Thomas Lukasiewicz (University of Oxford, UK)
Anni-Yasmin Turhan (University of Oxford, UK)
Meghyn Bienvenu (University of Montpellier, INRIA, France)
Szymon Klarman (Brunel University London, UK)


RR 2016 will provide travel support to students. Details will be announced later.

Received on Tuesday, 14 June 2016 12:49:15 UTC