[CfP] 1st Workshop on Ontology-based Sentiment Analysis in conjunction with IC-ININFO

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                               CALL FOR PAPERS
              1st Workshop on Ontology-based Sentiment Analysis

                             in conjunction with
     The 6th International Conference on Integrated Information (IC-ININFO)
                      September 19-22, 2016, Athens, Greece

Sentiment analysis, a research area with rapidly increasing popularity, 
involves a set of processes and approaches aiming at identifying and 
extracting subjective information (i.e. the attitude of a speaker or a 
writer wrt. some topic) out of source materials (text, images, videos 
etc.). A wide range of applications in various domains and contexts 
exploit sentiment analysis for various important tasks and decision 
making (e.g. in product and services reviews assessment, in sales 
predictions, in investor's choices and in politics formation). The 
underlying methodologies typically involve machine learning and 
statistical paradigms, which, however, demonstrate several shortcomings 
that mostly derive from the lack of semantics. Examples of these 
drawbacks include the need to deal with noise in text from online social 
media, with the evolving and unpredicted data threads produced, as well 
as detecting attitudes (such as irony, sarcasm, etc). The emergence of 
the Semantic Web and the relevant semantically rich ontology-based 
representations may deliver novel approaches and toolsets which can 
tackle the previous challenges. Therefore, this workshop investigates 
the deployment of ontology-based techniques, as well as of semantically 
rich frameworks and tools towards a more fine-grained sentiment analysis 
of content of any type.

The topics of the workshop include, but are not limited, to the following:

- Ontologies and knowledge bases for sentiment analysis
- Topic and entity based sentiment analysis
- Semantic processing of input sources for sentiment analysis
- Contextualised sentiment analysis
- Comparison of semantic approaches for sentiment analysis
- Personalised sentiment analysis and monitoring
- Prediction of sentiment towards events, people, organisations, etc.
- Baselines and datasets for semantic sentiment analysis

Abstract submission: 22/07/2016
Notification of acceptance: 19/08/2016
Camera ready: 02/09/2016

The submission process is as follows:

1. The author creates his/her abstract and submits it through the 
on-line submission platform until the predefined deadline.
2. The Conference Scientific Committee decides about the acceptance or 
not of the abstract.
3. After abstract acceptance, the author has to submit his/her paper 
(6-pages long following the given template) until the Conference 
starting date.
4. Together with the Conference paper, the author must send the 
Copyright Transfer Form filled and signed.
5. During the Conference, all remaining papers will be reviewed by a 
Scientific panel.

More details can be found at: 

Regarding, the post-workshop publication, CEUR workshop proceedings
(http://ceur-ws.org/) will be used, thus making it possible for authors 
to submit
already published work.

The accepted papers should be formatted following Springer's format for 
Proceedings in Business and Economics.

Templates and instructions for authors can be found at: 

All papers must be submitted through the conference submission site: 

At least one author of each accepted paper is expected to register to 
the main
conference (IC-ININFO) and present the paper.

Nick Bassiliades, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Department of 
Informatics, Greece
Efstratios Kontopoulos, Center for Research and Technology, Hellas 
(CERTH), Greece
Athena Vakali, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Department of 
Informatics, Greece

Received on Thursday, 14 July 2016 08:04:05 UTC