- From: Richard Markeloff <rmarkelo@bbn.com>
- Date: Wed, 6 Jul 2016 12:10:59 -0400
- To: "semantic-web@w3.org" <semantic-web@w3.org>
- Message-Id: <29CD7759-2159-49F3-BFEC-5FA8DE425C5E@bbn.com>
STIDS is a premier opportunity for collaboration and cross-fertilization between researchers and practitioners of semantic-based technology with particular experience in the problems facing the Intelligence, Defense, and Security communities. It will feature invited talks from prominent semantic researchers and recognized leaders from the target application domains. To facilitate interchange among communities with a clear commonality of interest, STIDS encourages submissions that showcase original, significant research as well as papers that present implementations and lessons learned or discuss, compare, and evaluate the use of semantic techniques. In the tradition of an academic conference, submissions are expected to make a tangible contribution to the field of semantics, and so marketing white papers and the like will not be accepted. TOPICS STIDS welcomes the submission of papers on semantic technology and ontology relevant to the fields of Intelligence, Defense, and Security. We are especially interested in papers on the following topics: • Best practices in ontological engineering • Collaboration • Command and Control (C2) and Situation Awareness (SA) • Cyberspace: defense, exploitation, and counter-attack • Decision Making • Economics and financial analysis • Emergency response • Human factors and usability issues related to semantic technologies • Information sharing • Infrastructure protection • Intelligence collection, analysis, and dissemination • Law and law enforcement • Planning: representation of and reasoning over plans and processes • Predictive analysis • Provenance, source credibility, and evidential pedigree • Resiliency, risk analysis, vulnerability assessment • Science and technology (biology,health,chemistry,engineering,etc.) • Sensor systems • Sociology (social networks, ethnicity, religion, culture, politics, etc.) • Spatial and temporal phenomena and reasoning • Uncertainty as it relates to ontologies and reasoning IMPORTANT DATES Paper submissions deadline: Monday, August 8 Notification of acceptance: Monday, September 12 Camera-ready papers due: Monday, October 17 Early bird rates end: Monday, October 24 Presentations due: Thursday, November 10 Classified Session : Thursday, November 17 Tutorials Monday, November 14 Main Conference Tuesday-Wednesday, November 15-16 SUBMISSION DETAILS Submissions of technical papers or extended abstracts are welcomed. Each submission will be evaluated for acceptability by at least three members of the Program Committee. Decisions about acceptance will be based on relevance to the above topic list, originality, potential significance, and clarity. Because all accepted papers are to be presented at the conference, we require that at least one of the submitting authors must be a registered participant committed to attending STIDS 2016. All accepted authors will be invited to participate in a poster and demo session to provide an opportunity for extended informal discussion. Submissions are accepted only in electronic format and must closely fol- low the US Letter version of the IEEE format for conference proceedings. For complete details and to download LATEX or MS Word templates, choose the US Letter size from the IEEE’s Manuscript Template webpage. Technical papers must have between six and eight pages, including figures. Extended abstracts must have between two and four pages. Submissions outside these limits will not be reviewed. In addition, papers that, at the time of submission, are under review for or have already been published in or accepted for publication in a journal or another conference will not be accepted to the STIDS conference. Submissions for the general session must be unclassified and releasable in a public forum. They should be sent via the conference submission site. Details on submissions for the classified session will be posted on Intelink. PRESENTATION AND PUBLICATION All papers accepted to STIDS 2016 will be presented during the conference and published in the conference proceedings, which will be available as a separate publication after the Conference. TUTORIALS The tutorial program will be held on Monday, Nov 14. Its main purpose is to provide overviews of the state of the art in the subfields of semantic technology. Tutorial duration can be half or full day. The level of difficulty may range from beginner to advanced, and may be strategic or technical in nature. Tutorial proposals are accepted in electronic format only (Adobe PDF recommended), and should be one to three pages in length. Detail instructions for submission are included in the Call For Tutorials. FURTHER INFORMATION http://stids.c4i.gmu.edu/ <http://stids.c4i.gmu.edu/>
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Received on Wednesday, 6 July 2016 16:11:40 UTC