Re: Request for help - Usage of PROV-O in your Ontologies and Vocabularies

Dear Monika,
just in case it helps, you have some of the usages registered in LOV:

2016-02-01 23:42 GMT+01:00 Monika Solanki <>:

> Dear All,
> Do you import, extend, generalise or specialise the W3C Provenance
> vocabulary[1]? If so we gratefully request your
> help.
> As part of an analysis on how PROV-O is being used across vocabularies and
> ontologies, we ask you to answer
> just two (ok, three in some cases and no more!) very short questions
> available at,
> The survey is open till the 29th of February 2016. Results of the analysis
> would be made available to everyone interested.
> Many Thanks for your support,
> Monika
> [1]

Received on Tuesday, 2 February 2016 11:12:34 UTC