- From: Rezk Martin <mrezk@inf.unibz.it>
- Date: Wed, 14 Oct 2015 15:33:46 +0000
- To: Semantic Web <semantic-web@w3.org>, "User support for WebProtege and Protege Desktop" <protege-user@lists.stanford.edu>, "dl@dl.kr.org" <dl@dl.kr.org>
We are happy to announce the availability of -ontop- v.1.16 (Now available for Protégé 5) a Java framework to query ontologies with mappings to databases. If you are interested in virtual RDF graphs, R2RML mappings and/or RDFS/OWL2QL reasoning, then -ontop- is for you. The system implements the cutting edge SPARQL-to-SQL and query optimisation techniques that allow it to answer SPARQL queries using SQL databases while obtaining great performance. With -ontop-, you don't need to move your data from your already efficient database in order to enjoy the benefits of the RDF data model, the SPARQL query language or RDF/OWL2QL inference. And there is no need for expensive ETL or forward/backward chaining either. You can use -ontop- as an API, a SPARQL end-point, or as a Protege plugin. The highlights of this new release include: *Support for most SPARQL functions. *Support for column oriented RDBMS: MonetDB. *Support for cloud RDBMS: SAP HANA. *New optimization technique: Implicit-database-constraints *New optimization technique: Exact-Mappings *Bug Fixes --regarding quotes in the WHERE clause of SQL query in mappings. --regarding multiple subjects in the target of mapping of Ontop native syntax. --regarding datetime columns using jtds driver --regarding LIMIT with ORDER BY in oracle database --regarding the MetaMappingExpander Further details in: https://github.com/ontop/ontop/wiki/OntopReleases#October_14_2015__Version_1160 The system is available for FREE at http://ontop.inf.unibz.it/ Please, try it out and help us improve it by sending us your feedback. Tell us how YOU are using -ontop-! https://github.com/ontop/ontop/wiki/UseCases To start using -ontop- try our tutorials! -Easy Tutorial: Using Ontop from Protege -Easy Tutorial: Using Ontop API from Eclipse (https://github.com/ontop/ontop/wiki) Cheers, The -ontop- development team References: [1] https://github.com/ontop/ontop/wiki/OntopCLI PS. Website: http://ontop.inf.unibz.it Documentation: https://github.com/ontop/ontop/wiki Github: https://github.com/orgs/ontop/ Follow us on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/obdaontop
Received on Wednesday, 14 October 2015 15:36:54 UTC