GTTV'15: Call for Papers


GTTV'15 3rd Workshop on Grounding, Transforming, and
Modularizing Theories with Variables

27 September, Lexington, KY, USA.

Workshop collocated with LPNMR 2015



- Paper registration: 22 June
- Paper submission: 29 June
- Notification of acceptance: 17 August
- Camera ready submission: 1 September
- Workshop: 27 September, 2015


Although many efficient solvers used in formal reasoning operate at the
propositional level, in most application domains for knowledge
representation and reasoning the use of variables is crucial for
allowing compact and flexible formal descriptions. As a result, a common
situation in many different areas of formal reasoning is to deal with
high level descriptions containing variables while using a propositional
solver as a back-end. The technique of removing variables, replacing
them by their possible ground instances, is commonly known as Grounding,
and has attracted research interest from quite diverse areas such as
Logic Programming and Non-Monotonic Reasoning, Theorem Proving,
Planning, Deductive Databases, Formal Methods, and others.

This workshop aims to bring together researchers from different areas
with a common interest in grounding and transformations for theories
with variables, establishing a meeting point from which a
cross-fertilization of new ideas may emerge. Workshop topics include,
but are not limited to:

*    Transformations and pre-processing for grounding
*    Equivalence and correspondence for theories with variables
*    Modularity and compositionality
*    Syntactic restrictions for grounding
*    Grounding for theories with functions
*    Selective on-the-fly grounding, lazy grounding, grounding on demand
*    Grounding algorithms: heuristics, computational complexity, etc
*    Benchmarks, challenging applications and system comparisons
*    Grounding for specific solvers including, but not limited to:
 ASP, SAT, SMT, constraint programming,
 mixed integer programming, etc
*    Grounding in hybrid systems: ontologies and ASP, etc
*    Other techniques for variables: quantifier elimination, etc.


    Andreas Pieris, Vienna University of Technology
    Roland Kaminski, Potsdam University


All submissions must be written in English and formatted according to
the Springer LNCS/LNAI author instructions.


Two types of contributions are accepted: Technical papers and System
descriptions. Technical papers must present original research and not
exceed 13 pages including title page, references and figures. We also
encourage introductory system descriptions that help different groups
make their work known to the others. For system presentations a length
of 6 pages is recommended.

Paper submission is electronic and managed through the following
easychair GTTV'15 webpage



GTTV'15 will not accept any paper which, at the time of submission, has
already been published or accepted for publication in a journal or
previous conference. However, authors may freely submit their papers
elsewhere during or after GTTV'15 review period, since GTTV'15 is a
specialized workshop without archival proceedings and intended for a
limited audience.


    Marcello Balduccini, Drexel University
    Pedro Cabalar, University of A Coruña
    Martin Gebser, Aalto University
    Emilia Oikarinen, Aalto University
    Simona Perri, University of Calabria
    Joohyung Lee, Arizona State University
    Torsten Schaub, University of Potsdam
    Shahab Tasharrofi, Aalto University
    Evgenia Ternovska, Simon Fraser University
    Mirek Truszczynski, University of Kentucky
    Agustín Valverde Ramos, University of Málaga
    Concepción Vidal Martin, University of A Coruña
    Stefan Woltran, Technische Universität Wien


    Marc Denecker, KU Leuven
    Tomi Janhunen, Aalto University


Received on Wednesday, 6 May 2015 16:15:33 UTC